A brand new year - a brand new life...

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2022

Hello beautiful soul!

In December 2020, Catherine came to me...

Catherine was a successful entrepreneur - and she felt her inner world and relationship with her teenage daughters was falling apart. 

Truth be told, Catherine struggled with believing that her life was worthy. Despite all the successes in her career - she couldn't break free from the patterns and conditioning of not being enough and feeling unworthy.

Having done therapy, seen psychologists, attended retreats all around the world, doing course after course, retreat after retreat - she "knew" a lot. 

However inside, it was unsettling. She couldn't figure out what was missing. She couldn't figure out this "elusive" feeling of being whole.

"I believe God sent me you". She often shares. 

When we first met, she said:

"I've been following you for a while - and I decided that this is it. I need to learn how to Love myself - because if I don't... I'm scared I'm not going to be around for my daughters... and this can't keep going on."

In December 2020, Catherine committed to working with me in my year-long Mastermind. 

It was a gift she gave herself. It was her birthday present for herself - for a new life.

"I'm giving myself a gift of a new life - I believe you can help me."

Here is what Catherine has to share:

"My name is Catherine, I am living in Switzerland.

I am a single mother with two beautiful daughters Capucine 18-years-old and Maxence 16-years-old.

I started my own Orthodontic company when the girls were born - and I've been working full-time.

Before I worked with Yummii, I was struggling as a mother, feeling disconnected from my daughters. I was feeling deep sadness, I felt like a failure as a mother.

I was just running everywhere. I was feeling so lonely and unhappy - I was afraid of what was going to happen to my life. I had thoughts of taking my own life. I didn't feel my daughters cared for me - and I didn't feel heard. I felt really unappreciated.

I cannot thank Yummii enough, since I start the Mastermind. My life has changed so much. 

I believe God sent Yummii to me. 

I have a deeper connection with my daughters - one that I never thought was possible.

6 months into the Mastermind and my eldest daughter, Capucine has mentioned we don't argue anymore! The house is more joyful…Now, I know that I can hold space for them and I can accept them and love them how they are - I am not placing my worth and unfulfilled dreams by living through them. 

If it wasn't for doing this work with Yummii - I would have never found out that my youngest, Maxence was going through depression and anxiety. She would have never opened up to me. This saved my daughter's life - and my connection with my daughter.

The work was very easy, gentle and not traumatising - the opposite of seeing a psychologist and doing therapy. 

The biggest change that I never thought possible, was within me.

I feel a deeper connection to myself - I feel safe to be me and safe in my body - and now I truly understand intuition and the connection to my Higher Self. I can connect to my Higher Self. I never thought this was possible.

I was always hard on myself. I now finally understand what all the books and teachers mean when they talk about wholeness. I feel it in my body. 

The title of the Mastermind is "Meet Fear with Love". 

It's what Yummii teaches us. 

When you meet your fear with love, your life changes.

This process has given me the possibility - layer by layer in an incredibly safe space to meet unconditional love - and experience and embody wholeness. 

My life has changed everywhere - family, friends and work…..I can't recommend Yummii enough! 

If you want to connect with your children on a deeper level, help them to be proud of their strengths as well their weaknesses, and also if you want to be happy as a mother, partner and entrepreneur you will never find a better coach than Yummii….

I have had deep traumas since I was young - and nothing seemed to allow me to shift it or have peace around it. Therapy, psychologists - couldn't do what this process did. 

Yummii's process is amazing - it is incredible how I can now integrate decades of inner-work. I am so proud of myself. I feel free. 

Yummii, you are an Angel that was sent to me. Thank-you for my new life - I am open to Love and I can now receive Love."

The New Year is prime time to commit to change.

It is a time where our tolerance of what no longer serves us can be challenged. 

It is a time where we can choose to truly create a different reality for our life.

My invitation to you is this. 

Go love on yourself enough to make a shift.

Go find a guide, a teacher, a mentor who has walked the path you want to walk and shave of decades of doing it on your own and allow yourself to feel worthy to be supported and guided.

....and if you want the quickest, fastest way to get there - go find someone that has what you want and learn from them.

I see too many people trying to do this on their own - and that's why it's taking decades.

The mind that creates the problem cannot be the mind that solves it.

If you're ready to finally feel whole and no longer want to figure it out on your own, and you're looking for a guide - I would love to connect.

You will have deeper connections with your children (and less fighting), you'll have the most incredible conversations with your spouse/ partner that you didn't know needed to happen, and if you're single - you'll heal so you can open up to receive Love. 

My favourite outcome though is this....

You have a profound and deep relationship with you. That you can be at peace with your humanity....and you are free to feel safe in your being, in your soul, and in your spirit. 

I do this work with parents - as I know what is at stake.

Your children. And their wholeness. And their sense of self. 

Would you be ok if your child was hard on themselves the way you are hard on yourself?

Would you be ok, even after doing all the decades of inner work that you continue to judge yourself and be addicted to being unlovable - and set this as a benchmark for your children?

Chances are - no. 

That's why the work I do is potent with parents. You're the ones ready to break the cycle.

If this resonates, let's connect. 

I have limited spaces and it is a sacred container. Reach out here so I can find out more about you

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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