Are you afraid of doing it all wrong?

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2021

Hello beautiful Soul?

Do the following questions plague your mind:

  • Am I doing this parenting thing right?
  • Am I doing this relationship thing right?
  • Am I doing life right?

How do we, as an infinite spiritual being - in this human body, in this 3D reality, know we're doing it "right"?

Here are a few ideas.

What if we consciously replaced the word "right" with "alignment"?

What if we paid attention to our choices, actions, and how we show up - in our parenting, our family, relationships, friendships, and business- and we are more invested in "alignment" versus getting it "right"?

Because living from and choosing Love is alignment.

When we are invested in alignment, we choose Love.

Love would never have you do anything that is against your truth. 

AND... in choosing Love, what is aligned to you is a deep knowing such that it isn't something you need to defend, justify, nor need anyone else to agree and validate you (although it would be nice to get that reassurance and encouragement ;) ). 

When we ask the questions, "Am I getting this right?"; "Am I doing this all wrong?"; "Why am I failing?". 

We're placing our power based on other people. We're seeking validation and approval - we're judging ourselves based on how happy our kids are or how much our partner/ spouse is doing for us,/ how much money we're making... it's all external. 

Now - I'm not saying it isn't amazing to have happy children, a blissful marriage/ partnership or a flourishing business. It is...!

However, these outcomes are very much the byproduct of our inner world. 

So when we reframe the question and focus on "alignment" to our Highest Self and our deepest truth - it brings clarity.

Clarity to where we are living in Fear and clarity when we are choosing Love.

So then... if our questioning becomes:

  • Am I parenting in a way that's aligned with my deepest truth?
  • Am I showing up in my relationships in alignment with my deepest truth?
  • Am I living a life aligned to my Highest Self, to my Heart, to my Soul?

These questions reveal where we are living from Fear and where we are living from Love.

I'm going to propose the following...

We know we live in alignment when we fall in Love with who we are and how we show up. 

However, for argument sake - let's say we do ask the question, "Am I getting this parenting thing right?"

My proposed answers would be:

We know it's "right" when we find joy in it.
We know it's "right" when we are proud of who we are and how we show up.
We know it's "right" when we fall in Love and are loving who we become.

The only person's opinion that truly matters is our own.

Because you could do something that is "right" for you, and it is "wrong" to another. 

Or you could choose to do something that is "wrong" for you and "right" for the other.

And... I genuinely believe actions borne from Love won't ask you to betray yourself - and can do no harm to another.

So.. then... if we switch "right" with "alignment", - there seems to be even more space. More understanding. More acceptance. 

So I could do something aligned for me - that may not be aligned for you - and we can honour, respect, and accept each other.... and through it, our relationship isn't compromised.

When I'm in alignment, I love who I am. And if you, too, are in alignment with who you are, you would honour this and love me just as I am - even if we have differing choices. 

This fundamental distinction is so vital in all relationships.

Because it is the epitome of "unconditional love".

The reason we feel we are doing it "wrong" or we question ourselves is simply this. We have never given ourselves full permission to unapologetically live in alignment. 

My intention in this share is to inspire more space within you, and in your relationships.

If families move away from right/ wrong - and move towards, acceptance/ understanding, what's the ripple effect? And how does this inspire us to choose to Live from Love?

....and what is the ripple effect of this?

Food for thought...

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS This is for the brand new mothers! I'm a Speaker and contributor to the "Becoming Mum" summit. I'm sharing an exclusive talk on "loneliness". To find out more about the summit, click here.


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