Are you failing as a parent?

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

I know that you feel like you may not be doing your best.

What doesn’t work with your parenting and in your family is no longer something that you can run away from.

It's no longer in the shadows.

Your children need you. Especially now.

The rage, the anger, the feeling of shame and not knowing what to do can be solved.

If you’re a parent, and you’re someone that has accomplished everything yet can’t crack the code on relationships - especially with your children…

... And you want more connection and fulfilment
... And you want to be more present and enjoy the children more
… And you recognise that there is a generational pattern that needs healing...

I want to help you to feel at peace, enjoy your children, and create a meaningful bond so that all your sacrifices and hard work hasn’t been in vain.

Every relationship is different and there is a very simple practice that repairs all relationships. Especially the one with your child and you as a parent.

If you and I can get on a call - I can show you a clear path on how to get things back on track. The missing piece of the puzzle is restoring the connection.

The depth of experience that I have holding space, and moving the brightest stars through the darkest nights of parenthood would blow your mind.

With all the parents I've worked with, they change their families.

There is more connection. They are kinder, gentler, more compassionate to themselves… and they no longer need to settle, ignore the pain.

It's no longer a battlefield and filled with disappointment.

Parenthood is joyful, calmer, and connected.

I help parents heal their anger. Release their rage. Find joy. Feel connected to their children.

Free their mind from ruminating, judgements, and worry.

I move them from being resigned and hopeless, to feeling proud and empowered.

They can learn to trust themselves - and feel at peace.

👉 Just click below now:

The page above will take you to a short application form so you can let me know a bit about you.

The most challenging thing about being a parent is this; “Am I willing to be the parent that my child needs me to be?”.

Your child needs you - and more than that, you owe it to you.

What if, weeks or months from now, you can look back on this time, and be so proud and grateful to yourself for being decisive and taking action? …and your relationship with your children isn’t one that brings you guilt and shame?

Feeling at peace as a parent is possible.

There is hope. It’s never too late, and the relationship is never too broken.

You can keep acting out past patterns with your child - or you can heal.

This is the highest Spiritual work you'll ever do.

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS Are you ready to release the rage, disappointment, resentment, and feel more at peace - and trust yourself?

👉 If yes, apply for a free call:


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