Are you struggling in your relationship, partnership and marriage?

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2021


Hello beautiful soul!

In the last few months, there's a theme that's been coming up consistently.

"I'm stuck in my marriage - and I don't want this to impact my children and their future relationships."

Or, "We're over, and I have a feeling this has harmed our children - it was a toxic relationship, and I'm worried about how our children are responding to it."

Or, "How did they change? We had the most incredible relationship, and something changed overnight - it was like two relationships."

During this time of the year, the grief, the loneliness, the shame is even more heightened. There is so much pressure to put on a brave face or a facade of a happy family.

If you're finding that you're in this particular circumstance - challenged by a Heart that's hurting... I'm sending you Love, and I'm inviting you to give yourself compassion and grace. It's tough. It's hard... and it can be heartbreaking. It is heartbreaking.

Here is how you can navigate through it:

1. Allow.

Allow yourself to feel. Feel the anger, feel the resentment. Feel the resignation. Feel the disappointment. Feel the sadness. Feel the despair. Feel the anguish. 

Feel the loneliness. 


Find a safe space, find a safe person - and feel. 

You need the energy to move through you and out. 

It starts with you owning it. Allowing it. And creating space for it to be witnessed.

2. Forgiveness.

Forgiveness starts with you.

Forgiving you. Forgiving your choices. Forgiving where you have betrayed yourself. Forgiving where you haven't honoured your Heart. Forgiving where you have betrayed others.

Forgiveness starts with you first. Shame is a beast.

The experience of what is going on is bringing up your shame.

The shame of not being able to make it work, shame of trying and you're struggling, shame of feeling so trapped with no way out... Shame of not being enough, shame of further evidence that you're unworthy or even the shame of "I'm a disappointment". 

Shame is seeking forgiveness. Deep, sincere, forgiveness. For you.

3. Space and Grace.

Give yourself space. And give yourself grace. 

I'm very sure, and in fact, I'm 100% sure that neither your partner nor you said to each other; "Let's be together so we can hurt each other" or "Let's get married to get a divorce" or "Let's continue to project our pain".

No one wants to do that in a relationship, and we do that because of unhealed traumas and the disconnection to our Heart.

So.... in knowing that - really knowing that - give yourself space and grace first.

In all of the above steps, Allowing, Forgiveness and Grace - I invite you to do this from your Heart. Not your Mind. Your Heart.

There is nothing that we want more than a Happy Family.

We want to have healthy relationships where we feel seen, heard, and understood - and we are so committed to doing that for our children. 

We long for the joy of what it would be like to have a powerful partnership.

I do get it... AND it's not a mystery on why so many struggle.

For now - I invite you to Love on yourself this season. Give yourself Love first. Be gentle with yourself first.

Allow yourself to let go of expectations and perfection. Please... If you've been waiting for permission - here it is. 

There are too many people who are hurting and expecting too much of themselves during this season. 

The best gift you can give your children - is the gift of knowing how to honour, be patient and loving to you. If you want a meaningful gift - that's the most priceless gift and is on the top of the list.

To help you during this time - I have some powerful masterclasses;

  • "How to Heal from Heartbreak"
  • "How to Navigate through Conflict"
  • "Meet Fear, with Love"

If this resonates, I would love to gift them to you. Reach out and reply to this email—my gift to you for a balm on your Heart. 

And if you are really wanting 2022 to be the radical year in which you heal from your Heartbreak, create the family life you want, and you're ready to heal the dysfunction and patterns that no longer serve you - I'm here.

It's the work I do - it's my genius. 

I've helped couples restore marriages that seemed completely broken, I've helped couples have the most beautiful divorce, I've helped families reunite, I've helped children have their parents connect. 

I help you return to your Heart... and return to Love.

I'm sending you love,

Yummii xx

PS Reply to this email, and I'll give you access to the Masterclasses. 



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