Ask me anything...

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2023

What would you like to know?

I often get emails asking "how I learnt what I do" or "what to do in a certain situation"....
There are questions ranging from practical parenting and relationships to expanding consciousness and healing generational patterns... 

I share openly the stories and events I've been through and how I navigated them - as I found that when I was going through my own journey and dark night of the soul, what gave me the most hope was seeing myself in someone else's journey - and they've been on the other side.

I had a really peculiar upbringing.

My parents were refugees and met while escaping Vietnam because of the war.

They had a brief fling and never anticipated my mother getting pregnant. My father was married at the time. His wife was back in Vietnam. 

Being the daughter of "the other woman", where my mother was a devout Catholic, and my father's upbringing was of a strong Buddhist, my parents had to hide my existence because of the shame, guilt and "sin". My parents were barely adults. Mum was still a teenager. 

When I was 13, my father emotionally left our family and became a Buddhist monk/ Shaman. He said he was travelling to Vietnam one day, and 3 weeks later, he came back as a monk. 

I grew up around the mystical, the Spiritual - with both Buddhism and Catholicism indoctrination...

My parents weren't together and lived together - nothing was healthy about their dynamic. 

At 15, my father immigrated with his first wife and my half-sister over... they lived with us for about a year...

Even though my father was a Buddhist monk/ Shaman - he had these "followers" and disciples that "fell in love with him"... and would pursue him openly. They didn't hide their interest... and they would do this in front of my mother. 

She felt she had no say. 

Behind closed doors, he had affairs... and my mother would accept this because "at least they live together". He would leave at night go to another woman's home, come home the next day and "then we play happy Spiritual family".

My mother begged him to love her... one time, she put a knife to her throat and said, "If you don't love me, I will kill myself".... she was so desperate for his love. 

My father has been on his knees, begging my mother to leave. To go start her own life and leave him in peace. She wouldn't. 

They were two really, really hurt people who had no support or guidance... who were extremely lonely... and in pain - and with that pain had to raise a family somehow. That's tough. Healing is being able to appreciate and have compassion for where my parents were at - and know it is not my responsibility or burden to carry. 

Their sacrifices - aren't mine to own...And....... this is a really important one. Their sacrifices - their choices.

I don't need to make up for it, nor do I owe them my life.... and I don't need to repay the sacrifice by continuing to have suffering as a part of my life (the trauma that lives on in our bodies from those with parents who experienced war - this is a big one...). 

Besides my upbringing - I went through depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide attempts.. and made unhealthy choices as a teen and well into my 20s.

I also had an eating disorder.

And no one could tell.

Highly successful. The more broken I was inside, the more successful I had to be to cover up what was within. 

I've been through a divorce... miscarriages... my parents disowned me... estrangement.

I've gone through really unhealthy and dysfunctional relationships - and in some of them, I was the "toxic" one.

To be on the other side of all of that has been a journey... and I've never been more at peace, more in love, accepting, kind, compassionate, and giving myself grace.

Life without the armour, life without needing to protect or defend, living raw, naked, and as myself... ALL of me... is liberation. 

I know - I'm not my past. And neither are you.
I also know - I'm not my pain. And neither are you.
I have made bad choices - and I am not a bad person.
Bad things have been done to me, which doesn't mean anything about me.

I know what it is like to reach rock bottom. 

AND I also know - that the only way from rock bottom, is up.

As a parent, I'm telling you - there is NOTHING more important, more potent, more pressing than you being true to you, loving you, being vulnerable, authentic - and accessing your Heart.

Because that's how we heal. That's how we evolve. That's how we grow.

And that's how we take ownership of our lives. 

So many people are looking for quick fixes/ strategies/shortcuts on how to live a meaningful life, on how to quantum leap, and on how to access higher levels of consciousness.

There are no shortcuts or quick fixes. 

The work - is learn to love who you are... FOR ALL OF YOU.

So.... if I can fully love me for me, after all, I've been through... and I can access levels of Wholeness and forgiveness for myself... and levels of acceptance that are filled with so much grace..... I promise you, you can too.

From rock bottom, I know the pathway to love yourself.

From rock bottom, I know the pathway to value yourself.

From rock bottom, I've taken the journey on how to heal from relationships, create healthy relationships - and be able to understand my past, and my parents, and really not take any of it personally. And understand it was an experience.

There's no such thing as too broken. You're not broken. You feel broken - and you're not. You're not a mess, you're not a mistake, and you're not unlovable.

You've just been seeking love from those without any idea how to give it because they don't love who they are.

Break that cycle - and you'll be free.

So - here I am... open... and ready to receive your questions. 

What is it that you want to know? How can I help you? What support/ guidance can I provide?

To work with me 1:1 is out-of-reach for most.
My Mastermind/ Higher Self Mastery (group programs) aren't inexpensive.
The level of access to me - investment-wise, can be prohibitive. 

And..... I'm very open and free with my content

Reply to this email with your question; when I answer it in a post/ run a Masterclass on it, I'll let you know. 

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS If you've been feeling at a loss on what next, and have done a lot of inner work and struggle with knowing how to Love yourself and access your Heart, reach out here. This is the work that will move you forward.


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