Can't figure out what's holding you back?

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2023

Or what is it that you exactly want? 

I know the feeling when your Soul is so confused. It’s not clear to you what led you to this path of Spirituality - and you weren’t even looking for it.

I  know what it feels like when you begin to feel a need for something else - and you don’t know exactly what it is…

There’s something more.. there has to be more..

And it’s the first time in your life where you haven’t been clear of what you want.

It’s as though you need something else, you know there’s something else ….and you’re feeling there’s something off.  

You’re healthy, you have built an amazing career, and there’s lots of love around you.

You had to fight all your life… and you’ve gotten everything you wanted. And now what?

Yes, you can always go higher, and higher.. and you can always dream for more success - and you know that’s not what you want.  

You’ve hit a ceiling.  

In achieving so much - it’s been a while now, you’ve been feeling the call for something else. Because you know it can’t keep going this way.  

You’ve outgrown the life you created (I know you have secretly thought about throwing it all away!).  

What used to motivate you, no longer does. The pushing, the doing, being strong, driven, getting things done - you just don’t have the energy to be that way anymore. And if nothing changes, you’re questioning the point of it all. The lack of enthusiasm, lack of energy, boredom, absolute monotony is getting to you- you’re wanting something different.  

So what’s holding you back? What’s the block? What is it that you’re not seeing? Is it generational? Is it past lives? Or is it something deeper that you entered this life with? You have been seeking answers… looking at your charts, asking the angels, going to healers for readings… and it’s not that you don’t know the answer, you’re just afraid to trust it.

You want to understand that, on your own, you’re not going to allow yourself to surrender and trust the level of Universal guidance because:

  • You’re afraid of losing it all
  • It goes against EVERYTHING you have been raised
  • And you are too addicted to working hard and pushing - and don’t feel safe with allowing, surrendering, and alignment.

You’re secretly wanting to find someone to fix it and tell you what to do. I can’t fix it for you (only YOU hold that power ðŸ˜‰ ) - and I’ll tell you what your next steps are.   


Since you were a child, you knew you had a gift. You always had a feeling that you were powerful.

However, you kept denying it. You hid it.. and you were afraid of it.

You’ve always been able to manifest - however, you keep telling yourself that you were lucky or that you made things happen. Why? Because you felt guilty for having this power. So you stopped yourself.

And you learned to not use your power.

Stop being afraid of it. You’ve hit that ceiling because you keep running away from your power.

It's time to unleash your power. It's time to trust your power.  


You’re connected. You’ve always known that.

And you’re treating your connection to Spirit like a business or a relationship with one of your parents.

Something you have to work hard at. Something you have to prove yourself with.

You’re afraid to trust the connection because you’re afraid you’ll lose all the success you have created.

Not realising that in trusting the connection, it is a realignment and yes, the thing that has given you comfort for over a decade - you may need to let go.

Your attachment to your intellect and being super intelligent is the identity that is holding you back from leaning into your Spiritual gifts.

Yes, this connection to Spirit is an identity shift. Your connection to your true nature will bring you MORE abundance and success. Yes, you will have to let go of what you have created so far to welcome something greater.


There are things in your childhood that will give you clues on what to heal.

If you were the firstborn, you may have felt a lot of weight and expectations on your shoulders. And right now, so many people depend on you, so many clients, employees, family - and it’s hard for you to open up and ask for support or share that you’re going through a hard time - a confusing time.

All your life, you had to be tough, be strong, and you can’t be vulnerable. And if you can’t be vulnerable, you’ll find it hard to trust and receive from Spirit. And if you keep rejecting that connection to Spirit and struggle with relaxing into the connection - you’ll continue to feel alone, and that life is all up to you.

There's nothing wrong with you - and if you keep denying this connection you'll continue feeling underserving, guilty and burdened.

Heal your relationship to receivership - so you receive and trust that Universal Guidance that has been waiting for you.  

On the other side of this identity shift, what is waiting for you is this.

An absolute inner confidence - a connection to joy, to love, to life.

You are living on purpose.

You can express yourself more freely.

There is freedom. There is peace. Everything can flow better.

You’ll break free from lack. You’ll break free from guilt. You’ll be free from being undeserving.

You’ll start giving yourself permission to enjoy the beautiful life you have created - and receive more, free from guilt.

I know you’re tired.  

And you’ve been consistently hearing the word “Trust” in your meditations.  

What got you here, will keep you here. It’s now your security blanket, your status quo. It’s your known. It’s a FINITE game. It’ll keep you safe - and keep you the same.  

Trust yourself to let go - and trust there is another life waiting for you.

That’s an infinite game.  

To Quantum Leap your Spirituality, is to Quantum Leap your life.

Trust yourself enough to take the next step. The scariest and most exciting thing you’ll ever do is to be your truest and most powerful self. You’ve always known you had this power - it’s time to use it.  

The only block is you, holding yourself back and not trusting.  

If you don’t want to navigate this path alone, I would love to hold space for you.

I know how difficult it is to find someone that can hold your frequency.  

My Higher Self Mastery container is open for enrolment until 30th June, with only 5 spots remaining.

It is by application only, and I’m teaching every tool in my toolbox, which I use and live by. After this date, the investment will be more than double - and potentially a waitlist where you’ll have to wait till Mar 2024 to join.

This isn’t inexpensive.

This will quantum leap your Spirituality - and you’ll have an undeniable connection to Spirit that you can trust, lean on, depend on, and allow that Universal guidance to flow through you.

I look forward to receiving your application.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS My Higher Self Mastery or for entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, and thought leaders who are creating a Spiritually led and aligned business with impact.

For Healing Generational Wounds and learning how to connect with your Heart for relationships, parenting and your connection to self - I recommend my Mastermind. 


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