Did you learn how to ride a bike?

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2022

And once you learn how to ride a bike, do you ever forget?

Would you agree with me that once we learn how to ride a bike, whether it's 5, 10 or even 15 years that pass by - we wouldn't forget?

Muscle memory is powerful...and muscle memory kicks in. 

This critical piece of understanding about our brain, how our humanity works and knowing that there is this innate intelligence within our mind/ body that never forgets - can give us clues on the path to Healing.

There is a misconception that Healing Generational Wounds is only for people who grew up with trauma, had an unhealthy relationship with their parents and siblings, or grew up with big traumas and severe emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges.

We all have conditioning. Conditioning isn't something that can be avoided - it's the human experience.

And our conditioning is "muscle memory" that comes up with certain triggers, circumstances and people.

That is the exact reason why you can walk past your high-school bully after 20 years and still have the same emotional reaction even though they may have changed and you have changed.

Or the reason someone can bring up an ex, or you hear a song, and you're flooded with the emotional memory of that relationship or that song.

When we are healing generational wounds, the true intention isn't to nitpick and blame, nor is it to rehash the past. 

It isn't to be righteous about our upbringing, nor it is to judge and vilify our parents...and it's not forcing ourselves to be ungrateful and trying to find all that was "wrong" with our upbringing. 

Here is why we heal generational wounds.

We heal conditioning that we unconsciously inherit that hinders us from feeling whole, feeling connected, and knowing the truth of who we truly are.

Healing generational wounds is having the courage to reparent ourselves by understanding the pain that our parents could never navigate, avoid, and suppress.

It is about building the capacity within you that allows you to feel, understand, and meet the pain that your parents and ancestors were never able to process or navigate, which had an unconscious flow-on impact that limits you......

...... So that you truly understand that it's not your burden to bear, your responsibility to carry, and you have it in your being and cells that it's safe to be you.

Anytime your parents, caretakers or those that influenced you in the first 21 years denied their humanity or avoided processing any pain, grief, disappointment, sadness, despair - and weren't able to meet you when you experienced these moments - the emotional memory is lodged in your body. 

You won't consciously remember this.

However, your body is programmed and wired this way. 

And just like riding a bike, it just takes a similar circumstance, a familiar reminder, and you are triggered. 

How do we find these triggers?

It's reflected right there in the unease, in the disconnection, in the dissatisfaction that is between yourselves and your children, partner/spouse and within yourself. 

Your trigger, or any " familiar " experience that has you contract, feel separate, feel unworthy, not enough, and berating yourself is a pattern. It is not the truth of who you are.... and it is muscle memory. That's your baseline - that's your safety and comfort zone....and that's your autopilot.

That energy lives in your cells, in and amongst the fibres of your being...

Healing is the process of holding yourself in Love and Wholeness, so it's safe for that energy to be released. 

Healing generational wounds is unlearning how to ride that bike of; "I'm not good enough", "I'm not worthy enough", "I'm unlovable", "I'm a disappointment", "I can't trust you", "I don't need you", and "I'm all alone".

Because that's your muscle memory for relationships.

Our parents did the best they could with what they had. So did our grandparents, and so did all of our ancestors. 

And with every generation, there is an opportunity to ride a different "bike" and pass down a different legacy. 

Pass down what is wonderful, and unlearn what limits us.
Pass down what creates more life, and unlearn what contracts within ourselves.

There is truly no greater gift than learning how to Love ourselves more fiercely, boldly, authentically, and with passion - so that our children can inherit this knowing. 

It is harder said than done - and nothing is nobler than this journey of returning to Love.

So... Where to start?

Work out your baseline when it comes to Love and Relationships first. How?

I've got a free workshop on May 5th, showing you exactly how to do this.

Join my telegram group for more details on how to register: https://t.me/yummiinguyen

Or reply to this email, and I can add you to the invite.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS Free to attend live, replays will be available for purchase (Mastermind members and Group Intensive Coaching members, this is included in your program).

PPS If you're interested in learning more about my Mastermind/ Group Coaching program, reach out here.


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