Do you have a pattern of scarcity and lack?

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022

Lack and scarcity.

It's one of the most debilitating patterns. And it's a generational pattern if we're unconscious. 

I'm going to talk about money for a second.

A LACK of money is a problem.

And an abundance of money doesn't necessarily always lead to happiness... however, a lack of money is a bigger problem than an abundance of money. 

There are two things that are needed to heal the generational patterns of lack and scarcity.

The first part is the energetics.

The second is the strategy.

One cannot be without the other.

My genius is energetics.... I learn from others when it comes to strategy.

And one of the most amazing genius' out there who teaches the strategy around Abundance is David Delisle. 

I am on a mission to heal generational patterns of lack and scarcity. You cannot have a fulfilling life if you don't know how to create and receive resources to support the Vision you have for your life. 

I am also very passionate about teaching our children the laws of abundance and practical strategies at an early age. 

All I was taught about money was you earn it and you save it.

I observed my Father earning a lot of money and never spending on himself.

And I observed my mother not earning any money and spending whatever money my father gave her. 

I also observed my mother only spending on others and never on herself. 

These observations became my stories, and I also inherited these patterns of behaviours from them. 

Now, I don't want to pass on my stories to our children. They are unhealthy and they aren't aligned with what will create a fulfilling life. 

So, where do we begin to influence our children?

David Delisle has written an incredible book called "The Golden Quest - the Journey to a Rich Life" and I believe this is a book that EVERY family should be reading.

It provides the 5 most practical strategies on healing our relationship with money and is a powerful foundation for your children.

It has already had an immediate and powerful impact on our 6-year-old Avery. 

On Friday 12th August, I will be in conversation with David on Healing Generational Wealth and how to influence and create a healthy foundation for building a "Rich" relationship with money.

You are invited to join live with this conversation and have the opportunity for Q&A, or you can watch it streamed live via my FB

Details are:

Date/ Time: 9am 12th August AEST

Location: Zoom (join live)/ FB

To register and find out more, click here.
Reply to this email if you are interested in joining live.

How different would your family life be if you believed and received abundance? And you weren't afraid of money and no longer lived in scarcity and lack?

This will be a powerful and practical conversation. I hope you can join me.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS If you are interested in the replay, reply to this email, and I will let you know how you can access the replay. 


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