Do you want work/life balance?

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2022

I have friends that have become clients.
I have clients that have become friends.
I also have friends that became business partners and that are also clients of mine. 

I was also taught - you need to separate business and life.

There is this "story" that we are unconsciously fed, unconsciously inherited, that creates the most unworkable circumstances in our life.

It can be described in one word "separation".

We create these segregations in our lives to "protect us". However, these segregations hold us back. 

When we "segregate" life - we can't show up authentically and in our power. 

If you're someone that says I want "work/life" balance - it means that the work you do isn't fuelling and nourishing your life. 

Most probably the work you're doing and where you're investing most of your energy is a symptom of not trusting life, not trusting yourself, avoiding the thing you're actually meant to be doing, and is a symptom of feeling as though you're trapped, have no choice, and it is a zone of excellence or competence versus your zone of genius. 

Because there is no such thing as work/ life balance.

All of it is LIFE.

When one area of our life is excelling and another is suffering - that's a reflection that we are out of alignment. There is something we're not taking responsibility for. 

And that's the area of opportunity. That's the area of growth.

I believe the noblest thing you can do is create a life that you don't need to escape from - and a life that is your own unique masterpiece.

The game of life is YOURS. 

One of the HARDEST and most challenging beliefs to embody is "My life is mine".

And yet, if you don't hold this as truth, you live a life based on someone else's agenda. 

When we live our life based on someone else's terms, beliefs, and wishes - it is one of the quickest ways to lose faith in ourselves and disconnect from our Hearts. 

Healing generational patterns is healing this unconscious pattern and story that our life belongs to someone else.

Khalil Gibran says it so eloquently:

Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself
They come through you but not from you
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you

For many generations, parents "own" children, not recognising that children are neither a possession nor are they belongings. 

Love yourself enough to stop waiting to ask for permission.
Love yourself enough to stop buying into "segregating" life.
Love yourself enough to stop committing time, energy, and attention to work that is unloving to you and not nourishing you.

Love yourself enough to love your life, so your children are liberated.

Our children came through us, as you came through your parents.

Our children don't belong to us, as you don't belong to your parents.

This reverence for life is healing.

It's not the work/life balance you're seeking.

It's the permission that your life is yours. You don't owe your life to anyone.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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