Finding balance

Uncategorized Oct 13, 2021

Hey beautiful soul!

A new father asked this question: "How can I balance spending time on my hustle without feeling guilty about being away from my loved ones? Especially as a new dad.."

I think no matter if you're a new parent or a parent of a 16-year-old - as long as you have a family, it's a common question that you might be asking.

There is so much I want to speak to with this, and I'm going to start with...

"The quality of your life is based on the quality of your questions".

Ask powerful questions, and you'll get powerful answers - ask disempowering questions, you get disempowering answers.

The father that asked this question already is fearful of guilt.

Predictably, without awareness, he will create many circumstances that have him torn between being a father and spending time doing what he loves. There will also be an unconscious relationship to guilt and therefore blame, being a victim, and feeling either helpless, powerless, resentful, and bitter.

There is a high chance he may feel an unconscious internal conflict with Fatherhood, his family life, and doing what he loves.

We can never seek balance outside of ourselves. Balance is the steadiness that can only come from within.

That steadiness within is the outcome of one thing.

Love for thyself. 

Hear me out. 

If we think about balance - what is it that we're genuinely seeking? The experience of peace.

So - we seek balance to experience peace within ourselves.

To have peace within ourselves, we are to be "peaceful" around the choices we make.

To make choices that are "peaceful" within ourselves, we must know ourselves... and therefore know how to Love ourselves.

For - if we make choices that are out of alignment - that's where we give up our power, and we compromise our peace of mind.

When we make a choice that aligns with who we are, that is loving for us - there will always be balance. 

This is where our Heart, the seat of the Soul, is our North Star.

We're only ever out of balance when we are out of alignment - and our guide here, is Fear. 

So... what would I say to a parent that wants to spend time on their passion without feeling guilty?

I would invite them to ask the following questions instead? "What would have our family thrive? What would have me thrive?"

Because here is what I know.

What is true, what is of Love, creates more life.

When we do things from a place of Love - it doesn't hurt another. It can't. LOVE creates LIFE.

However, when we do things from a place of Fear, it hurts us and hurts the other. 

If this father is working on his side hustle because he wants to make money to provide for the family, but really, what is underneath is his Fear of not being enough, and he is driven by proving himself - everyone suffers. It'll never be enough.... and even with so much money coming in - he will start getting resentful or bitter... or feeling underappreciated or unacknowledged... and he would feel the "sacrifices" he made weren't worth it. 

Now, if this father is all about thriving - and his side hustle is sourced in passion, Love, and inspiration - he would know it wouldn't be taking away from his role as a father - and in fact, it would empower him to be a better father. He would also realise this passion isn't an addiction, and instead, it would be a balm for his Heart. There wouldn't be an internal conflict... for everything is done from a place of Love versus a place of proving.

It's really easy to see how much Fear runs our life - because it all rises when we become a parent.

Start questioning the questions you're asking.

Is it from Love, or is it from Fear?

AND... are you answering it from a place of Love or a place of Fear?

The truth shall set you free... .and when you choose to return to Love, Love will liberate.

And here you will find balance... and peace of mind.

Sending Love,

Yummii xx

*****PS The Masterclass "How to Navigate Conflict" replay is now available to be purchased here: Masterclass: How to Navigate Conflict

It is lifetime access, and it also includes 3 bonus Masterclasses:

  • Healing the Inner Child (valued at $97)
  • Healing from Heartbreak (valued at $97)
  • Meet Fear with Love (valued at $97)  

Total Value: $388  

The current investment is $27 (saving $361)  

It will increase to $97 once I open it up and make it available for anyone to purchase (the online shop will be available soon!).  

Implementing one component of this framework will create a different trajectory for your relationships.   

There's also a special bonus gift valued at $1,000 for anyone who purchases the Masterclass.  

***NOTE: Beautiful souls in my Mastermind, this is included in your library—no need to purchase.  


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