Happy 2019 - What is your intention for the year?

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2019

Happy New Year. Happy 2019.

Brand new year, brand new possibilities.

We all love new beginnings - and it is possible, to see every day as a brand new day, to start where we are.

There is a spectrum of emotions that run through the holiday season - some are loved up and thriving, and others are struggling and feeling a disconnection. Wherever you are, know that you are not alone.

That this is part of the human experience.

And you are not at the mercy of your emotions, your feelings, or your circumstances.

For over 10 years, I have created themes for the year. 2018 was the year of Gratitude, Joy, and embracing the unexpected.

2019 - is the year of Mastering Manifestation. To me, this means commanding my thoughts, being the master of my fate and the captain of my soul. I'm taking ownership of all my emotions and reactions. I'm embracing having 100% accountability for how I show up, my energy, and knowing that I can choose my thoughts. Mastering Manifestation is creating the space to invite and allow possibilities that live beyond my imagination. Be an open space to know that life is working for me and with me. And that everything is a lesson to learn to live from a space of Love.

Motherhood is a beautiful mirror that shows us the wounds that need healing, the opportunities for transformation, and how to exercise the muscle of living from a space of Love.

So it's 2019 - what wounds are you going to let go off? Who is it that you get to become? And what are you letting go off that no longer serves you?

I'm so excited to be doing 2019 with you. I'm excited for the lessons, the journey, the healing, and the transformation.

Motherhood has been this beautiful domain that provides an insight into what needs healing, and what needs expanding. Motherhood is a journey of returning to our wholeness; and giving us the opportunity to master and understand, Love.

My wish for you. May 2019 be the year that you allow yourself to shine. The year that you feel worthy of love. The year that you let your guard down, you open your heart, and you allow love in. May this year be filled with an energy that transforms you, heals you, and lead you to be your own best-friend - and a year, that you surrender to living from a place of Love..... and know that life has your back.


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