Here is exactly what to do...

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2022

If you are in a cycle of having the same arguments over and over again, or if you're in a cycle of constantly being triggered by your children...

Or in a cycle of just not having any energy and surviving...

It's really hard to give Love with nothing in the tank - and I know you're trying your best.

What you have to realise, though, is the place from which you're giving creates more heartbreak for you.

It has you falling apart.

It has you feeling more broken than ever...

so much so that it becomes a habit.

It's hard to believe that life can be any other way.

If you don't break this pattern,
thinking that Love is putting your needs last;
thinking that Love is scarce;
thinking that Love is all about everyone else's needs before yours;
or thinking that Love is about compromise and sacrifice.....

If you don't break that pattern, you're going to pass it on to your children, and they're possibly going to pass it on to their children, and the cycle continues.

You just have to look to your parents to look at your predictable future.

The contentment or dissatisfaction or struggle or shame or joy or vitality that your parents experience with life is what you unconsciously inherited and accepted as your baseline.

That's the future that's predictable for you.

Now, if you want something different for you and your children, something's gotta give; something's got to change.

You need to start getting interested in your model of Love. You need to start getting interested in what Love is and what Love isn't.

Would you be okay with your children experiencing what you're experiencing now in your relationship?

And would you be okay with your children experiencing what you're experiencing as you observe your parents - and they are in your shoes 30 years from now feeling exactly the same way you do about your parents - only this is how they feel about you?

If you're not okay with that, it's time to do something about it.

Healing generational patterns is healing the inherited programming that we received that has us distrust Love.

I truly do get that every parent is doing the best they can with what they have with what they know based on their level of consciousness and based on where they are.

And I also understand that most of us wish our children had a manual, wish that there was some kind of handbook wish that someone told them what to do so that we could be better.....

Well, I'm telling you exactly what to do so that you can be better.

The first thing and the most important thing, learn how to love yourself.

I'm not talking about taking yourself to a massage or getting a haircut or getting a manicure, or doing yoga here and there.

I'm talking about knowing how to be kind to yourself.

Knowing how to give yourself grace.
Knowing how to have compassion for yourself.
Knowing how to forgive yourself.
Knowing to say no free from guilt.
Knowing to say yes free from shame.

...and having the audacity and the courage to believe that there is no higher purpose than to love yourself.

Because if you want the best for your children and you believe that they deserve the best of what life has to offer, it starts with loving yourself.

For if you didn't love yourself, you wouldn't be worthy of what life has to offer.


If you're ready to break this cycle, and want to know the steps on how to break the cycle, I can share with you the road map and the exact process I go through with my Mastermind clients.

I've got two available spots this month. 

Reach out and connect here.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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