How did I live? How did I Love?

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

There is a Quantum theory that states, "we are manifesting and living out our lives based on the questions we're seeking to answer.".

When I was studying with Landmark Education, one of the things we explored was uncovering our "unanswered question". 

If we synthesise these theories, we can take this to mean that we manifest life based on the questions that we are either unconsciously or consciously asking. 

If we're unconscious - according to Landmark Education, our unanswered question has the flavour of "Am I loved?", "Do you want me?", "Do you love me?", "Am I ok?", "Am I enough....?".

And we become obsessed with crafting a life being right about what we believe is the answer. 

If the "truth" of who we are for ourselves is "I'm unlovable", it's probable that our "unanswered question" that is unconsciously running our life is "Am I loved?" or "Do you love me?".....

Now here is where it gets interesting.

As human beings, we LOVE being right.... we're addicted to being right.

Let's say, there's a possibility we have an unanswered question of "Do you love me?"; and if in our core we believe we're unlovable...  then it's not a mystery why we struggle in relationships and we're consistently feeling unappreciated, unvalued, and unloved. We will do whatever it takes to be right that we're unlovable. 

Or maybe you're someone that has the unanswered question of "Am I enough?"; and maybe the core belief is "I'm not enough". A very similar pattern will play out.

We create circumstances to be right we're not enough - or someone else isn't enough... or what we have isn't enough.... We get to be right that we're not enough.

It doesn't have to be that way. 

I believe the quality of your life is based on the quality of your questions.

So.... what if you became obsessed with the questions you're asking?

What if your life is dedicated to solving questions that will empower you to create a fulfilling life?

The quality of the questions you're asking matters. 

You're not STUCK with your unanswered question - and you have the power to change the orientation of your life. 

We are always creating our life - either consciously or unconsciously - and we are the only ones that can own this.

It's been over a decade now and these two questions are some of the key ones in which I navigate my life:

"How do I live?"

"How did I love?"

Thinking about my mortality and how I want to feel as I take my last breath in this time and space gives me real clarity on the choices I am to make in this present moment.

The other North Star is "How did I Love?".

If you've been following me for a while, you'll be very familiar with the question "What would Love do?". When I ask this question, Love for me isn't the "romantic" realm. I'm referring to the most powerful force in the Universe. The energy of Love. 

Therefore, when I ask "How did I Love?" - once again, I'm thinking about my mortality and the experience of how I, have either denied/ rejected OR embraced/ accepted the force of Love in my life. 

This journey being led by Love - isn't for the fainthearted. This journey would have you meet your edges, everyday. 

And.... this journey, guided by Love - I have no doubt, has one outcome.

That when I take that last breath, in this time and space, I am certain of one thing. "That was an incredible ride....". 

And without a doubt, my loved ones, would have in their being, in their bones, in their cells, in their knowing that they contributed to my life and they were SO LOVED. They felt my Love, they received my Love - and in turn I received their Love, I felt their Love.... and our connection goes beyond time and space.

Here's the thing - with this exchange of Love - we fell more in Love with who we are.

This is Love. Love expands all. 

Overall, I believe this is where we can do better as a human family - particularly in our families, in our parenting, and with each other. 

Heal our model of Love. Bring awareness to Love.

Ask better questions, so Love is at the helm of our lives. 

As you close this chapter on 2021 - let me ask you. How did you live? How did you love?

....and is this what you want for 2022?

Now - the truth will set you free. Get real with yourself. 

Because if nothing changes, nothing changes. And we are creatures of comfort. 

As Carl Sagan put's it, we're on this pale blue dot for a fleeting moment in time. 

For those of us that are parents, our "job" isn't about raising children. The real "job" in parenting is really raising ourselves - and in raising ourselves, we trust life.

When we trust life, we trust Love. 

.....and isn't that what we want for our children? 

How different would your life have been if you grew up with parents that trusted Life? - and then trusted Love?

My wish for you is to have 2021 be the year that the line in the sand is drawn.

This is the LAST year, where you are addicted to betraying and abandoning yourself...

As you enter 2022 - your unanswered questions of "Am I loved?" or "Am I enough?" are replaced with questions that are worthy of your Divinity and expression here on Earth. 

Have 2021 be the LAST year where you compromise on this gift of Life and turn away from Love.

Sending you all my love,

Yummii xx

PS Want to know the unconscious patterns of your unanswered question and belief around Love? If you're ready to take action and soar into 2022 - Connect with me here: 


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