How to heal from self-doubt....

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2022

Hello beautiful soul!

I use to be debilitated with trusting myself.

Whenever I had to make a choice, right there next to it was doubt. It was consuming and crippling.

I use to be the kind of person who would make choices... and then I would sway between the options. Never fully allowing myself the experience of trusting the choice I made. I felt unsure...and I couldn't trust the choice I made - have you ever felt that way?

And then other times, I would be so hijacked and completely indecisive. Indecision was the other option. I knew what I wanted to do and had to do - and instead, I chose to be indecisive. For I couldn't trust what I really wanted...and trust that I am worthy to receive it.

Now - On the outside no-one had any idea I was this indecisive and doubtful.


Here are the steps to healing self-doubt 

1) Recognising doubt is energy.

Self-doubt is energy.... just like worry, stress, guilt....

And nothing brings out the intensity and amplifies our doubt, worry, stress, guilt like parenting. 

....however it's not the children that cause it.

That energy has always been there within each and every one of us.

Our children/ relationships/ parenting is a mirror. These relationships surface what has been within us all along.

What I invite you to consider about these energies is that they are habits.

Doubting yourself is a habit.
Worrying is a habit.
Feeling guilty is a habit.
Being stressed is a habit.
Overwhelm is a habit.
Judging yourself is a habit.

These habits are the manifestation of Fear.

2) Building a conscious relationship to Fear.

To heal self-doubt is to meet and understand Fear.

We are only born with 2 fears.

The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Every, I say, EVERY other Fear is learnt.

So doubt, worrying, guilt, stress, overwhelm, judgement is learnt.

All fears (except 2) are learnt.

In building a conscious relationship to Fear, we get intimate on how it operates, what it does, the mechanism of Fear....In understanding it - we know how to break free.

This is "awareness". 

3) Recognising the cost of being addicted to self-doubt

If we specifically hone in on doubt - the addiction to self-doubt costs me"Trusting yourself".

Lately, in our Mastermind, the theme has been focused on learning how to trust ourselves.

Having a great quality of life depends on Trusting Yourself. 

If you can't trust yourself, you can't trust love.

If you can't trust yourself, you can't trust life.

If you can't trust yourself, you can't trust relationships, goodness, and trust that you belong here in this world. 

Without trusting yourself - you can't fully live. 

You won't trust your Heart.

And you definitely won't trust others when they give their Heart...

There is the experience of keeping life at bay. I'm not exactly all in - and I'm not exactly all out...

That's what happens when we don't trust ourselves. 

4) Train my body to feel safe in trusting myself

 I spent over a decade (and continue to do so) to break free from identities I created to keep me safe.

The "self-doubt" identity kept me safe. It was so familiar. It allowed me to play out the narrative of "I'm not good enough" or the story that "I'm unlovable". Stories and narratives that formed my identity.

A BIG part of healing, the hardest part of healing is to train our body to feel safe without doubt/ shame/ guilt/ worry/ stress/ overwhelm.

I had to train my body to feel safe with the energy of trusting myself. 

This step is all about "embodiment and integration". Currently, there are very few people that do this work to the depth that's needed for sustainable, long-lasting and effective transformation. 


Now.... does it mean that I don't feel doubt? No.

What has changed is that I am no longer consumed by it, gripped by it, and I completely, wholeheartedly trust myself. Doubt is no longer centre stage or running the show.

I trust that I can make great choices.

I trust that in the instance I don't make a great choice, I can trust that I have the ability to navigate this from my Heart.

I trust that life is ALWAYS working for me. That even when there are challenges, I can hurt, I can feel AND there's wisdom from this wound.

I trust people. This has been the BIGGEST shift. I trust my relationships. I trust friendships. I trust that I'm loved. I trust that I am worthy and I am wanted.

And I do this work because I want our children to have a mother that trusts herself.... more than a mother that is consumed with doubt.

If you're dealing with self-doubt and feeling like it's robbing you of really living - you have a choice.

Learn to trust yourself. I hope you choose this choice.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS Want to learn how to trust yourself? I would love to help. Reply to this email and we can connect. 

PPS Did you know I have a telegram channel? If you want to get the latest updates of my trainings/ masterclasses - join the telegram channel here: 


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