How to know if your Heart is closed

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2023

A few weeks ago, I shared this post on Facebook.

9 signs your Heart is closed
- Overgiving
- Perfectionism
- Extreme Independence
- Unable to receive
- People pleasing
- Taking on other people's emotions
- Overwhelm
- Needing to be "strong"
- Struggle with asking for help

The cost?
Peace within yourself...
...and feeling unsafe to be you.

What I didn't share in the post is the real cost.

The real cost of a closed Heart is you'll sabotage your relationships - and you get to be right that the world is unsafe, you can't trust anyone, and you're unlovable. 

The cost of a closed Heart - is you're actually closed off to Love.

You're closed off to intimacy. You're closed off to joy, to peace, to all that you believe is Love.

Because Love - doesn't come from the Mind. Love is from the Heart.

AND Love is NOT fluffy or feel-good feelings. It can be that.. and not limited to that.

Most people don't know that they don't know, they aren't connected to their Heart or that their Heart is closed off - and therefore, it's not a mystery why connection is so hard between their partner/ spouses and children.

Relationships don't feel safe with a closed Heart. Life in general, doesn't feel safe. 

However - most people aren't present to how unsafe they feel in relationships.

If you're anxious in your relationships, if there is a feeling of needing to prove yourself, fix the other, question whether are they happy, worried about their wellbeing CONSTANTLY - and taking on the responsibility of making those around you happy and fulfilled - you're anxious. You're not at peace.

In fact, you feel drained, exhausted, and chances are - the other person is feeling unease with you.

Now.... what I also know is that isn't enough for people to be convinced that living from the Heart is the answer.

Because to lose the anxiety that feels so safe in your body means you are to become a different person - and your mind doesn't want that. 

You have no idea what life would be like without worry.
You have no idea what life would be like without shame.
The possibility of life, free from guilt, control, and perfection, feels "uneasy".

And... what do you want more? Your comfort zone and your Fear - or Love????

The greater irony - you think that worry is yours. You think the shame is yours. And same with the guilt, behaviours and patterns of control, perfection and that it is normal to feel anxious about life.

It's not yours. It's inherited. 

Passed down... from generation to generation to generation as "normal". 

Will you be ok if your child was this disconnected from life? And didn't trust themselves the way you do.

This is why we do the work to return to our Hearts.

So how do we open our Hearts? How do we learn to trust our Hearts?

As Rumi says, "Your task isn't to seek for Love. It's to seek all the barriers you have created between you and Love."

Seek the barriers. Seek the Fear that's in the way. Get intimate with your Fear.
Get intimate with your Mind.
Get intimate with your patterns.

And it will be the hardest thing you'll ever do....


Because it means breaking free from all that you know - to jump into something unknown.

It'll be the hardest thing you'll ever do - and the BEST thing you'll ever do. It really is how you're going to live your best life - and serve at your highest. 

So from the list of 9, share with me - what resonates? And are you willing to break up with these patterns?
Reply to this email. I would love to hear from you.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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