I see you...

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2023

I know you feel you're meant for more....


You're putting so much pressure on yourself....
And you have really high expectations of you....

And while it's great to have high standards, it's unkind to judge yourself when you don't meet those standards.

You're judging yourself - and it doesn't feel safe to be you.

What's really happening is that those high standards you created, weren't created from a place of Love.

They were created from a place of Fear.

Those high standards are then setting you up for failure.

That's why you work so hard to prove yourself.
And you work so hard to prove your worth.

And you have no idea how to relax and give yourself grace.

The problem with this is then you go in and out of your connection to your Higher Self and you can't fully embody, trust, and lean into this Divine guidance.

What blocks you from living as your Highest Self is...
Not trusting who you are...
and struggling to staying true to you...

For fear of judgement... Rejection... And abandonment.

It's all a distraction to why you're really here.

Including the addiction to proving your worth.
And feeling responsible for making everyone happy.

It's not that you can't access your Higher Self - it's that you're so scared of this connection - and this means you're scared of your power.

As long as you reject this connection to your Higher knowing, you'll continue to feel the constant pressure of needing to do more and feel as though there's not enough time....

You'll continue to repeat the pattern of feeling you're always falling short and falling behind.

The restlessness with life, and unease will perpetuate - and that's the reason you find it hard to be present and connected with the ones you love - especially your children.

Your head is constantly filled with thoughts that are not yours to own - and there's a lot of energy spent on worries, doubts, and questions that are not yours to solve....And you don't know how to quieten that noise.

There is also so much energy exerted on trying to be certain and hiding the insecurity, and hanging onto the known - when you're desperately craving for a change.

However... what hurts the most is you're afraid to be the most authentic version of you - and afraid you won't be accepted for who you know yourself to be.

Because deep down, you know who you are... You have a deep connection to Source - and you lack the courage to share this connection - and I know you want to be able to speak and share Truth.

And that's why you are in constant fear of failing your life's purpose or not living up to this "expectation".

I see you. I feel your Heart. I know your Heart.

All you have to do is remember who you are... And stay true to who you are.

To do that, come back to your Heart.

Trust it. Hear it. Connect with it.

It's safe.

It's safe to be you.

It's true. You are meant for more... And you can only know what that "more" is once you come home back to you.

Sending love,
Yummii xx


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