Love is Freedom

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2022


22.09.2022 - 8 Years
8 years ago we got married.
He has taught me so much about Love.

On what is healthy.
On what feels safe.
On partnership.
On having each other's back.
On being on the same team.

It hasn't been easy since we became parents.

Continuously learning to choose each other, learn about each other, give each other grace, and tame the inner wounded child within us that wants the driver's seat of our relationship - it's been quite a journey.

And the measure of a beautiful divine relationship for me is this.

Growing together and choosing each other.

Each night we go to bed, we love who we are more, and we feel more at home within ourselves and each other.

I'm a completely different person from when I first met him, to when we got married, and to where I am now.

As is he.

We've changed...and we have changed together - and we continue to do what it takes to choose Love for each other.

He is so incredibly safe, grounded, and thoughtful.

This partnership wasn't supposed to work.

Nothing made sense about him choosing me or me choosing him.

And... in the space he holds, allows me to come home, to me.

There's something powerful about that kind of Love.

One where you love yourself more in their presence.. and you're free to be you.

Yes, we're always free to be ourselves - and it's easier said than done.

Especially in relationships.

When in fact, it is in relationships that you're meant to be the freest.

And loving him, and being loved by him, is Freedom.



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