Money ruins families

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2021

Hello beautiful soul,

I had a story - that Love and Money were opposing forces.

It occurred as a "truth" that money ruins families.

One of the hardest things as a human being is to tell the truth to ourselves on why things aren't working.

As a child, the dysfunction I experienced in my family - I blamed it on money. It is now, only as an adult that I realised it had nothing to do with money.

For the longest time, I didn't believe it was possible to be wealthy and have a healthy family. I thought you had to choose one or the other.

It was a belief that was handed down from generation to generation in my family.

  • Those that were wealthy had broken families.
  • Those that had healthy families had a poverty mindset.

Growing up, my dad would say, "Money is the most important thing. Don't trust anyone, don't count on anyone, and in life, you have to choose between Success and Love. Choose success."

As a child, I took this as truth. Now... there were many reasons why this was his belief.

In the last few years, I've been doing deep work in healing this generational wound.

Here's what I now know to be true.

Money is neutral.

Money isn't the thing that ruins families. Not taking responsibility for your unhealed trauma is.

Money isn't evil.... and money can be used for evil. Money itself isn't evil.
Money is energy.

And... that energy enhances more of who you are.

You can't live a full life without the support of money.

It is the commodity and tool we have created for the exchange of value in this time and space.

It is also unloving to you if you have a negative and unhealthy relationship with money - and don't know how to generate wealth.

Now more than ever, we understand the importance of having different income streams - Tony Robbins recommends having 7.

I believe money, in the right hands, can create a different world.

I also believe that as a parent, to be the best parent we can be, financial stress needs to be eradicated. It can't be a dominant force in the home.

One of the most loving things we can do for ourselves and our family is getting our financial world in order, and have it thriving.

Right now, many are having to make choices on their health because they feel like they have no other option; or that they are worried about the security of a job or their business.

The moment we shift our focus from making decisions from Fear to being grounded in Love, opportunities will present themselves.

It was late 2019, that John and I started to look at different income streams because we wanted to be home with the children.

Our North Star was; "What is needed for our family to thrive?"

I knew with a second on the way, I needed help at home. John getting a job wasn't an option.

And to have John continue to stay home at home, we needed to find a way so that he didn't need to return to work because I needed the support. Him going back to work as a new family of 4 wasn't an option for my mental, emotional, and physical health.

My business coach at the time shared with me one of her strategies. It was the first time I realised that coaches had different income streams.

One of them was to understand how to start an online business with legacy income - and create this business in a conscious way that makes a difference to the planet.

In fact, most successful entrepreneurs have different income streams.

I'm paying it forward.

I would like to invite you to join a Free Mastermind, a 3-day online training event (starting September 20th) to understand how you can create another income stream by starting an online business. And how to do it and create with legacy income for your family.

Whether you're brand new to starting an online business, or whether you have an existing business and are looking for an additional income stream - this Mastermind will be powerful.

These Masterminds are powerful - and if you can shift one mindset around money or around what's possible for your family and you, that would be priceless.

If we think about the reasons why we aren't present, calm, or patient with our children - it comes down to stress. It comes down to being hijacked by thoughts that feel threatening, contribute to the worry and the angst.

Money and finances is a big stress for families and it doesn't need to be when we are clear on what we want for our lives - and then have the courage to follow through.

Details are:

Dates: 20th - 22nd September 2021 AEST / 19th - 21st September PDT

Time: 10am AEST / 5pm PDT

Register here: 

It is streamed into a FB group (make sure you join the FB group link after the registration).

The pandemic has been this beautiful gift that has shown us what works and what doesn't work in our families. It has been the magnifying glass highlighting the opportunities of healing in our family life - and for ourselves as parents.

Healing our relationship with money means our children can have a healthy relationship with money - where money is a beautiful tool that supports our life and what we want to express in the world.

I hope to see you inside.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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