My wish for you

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2022

Hello beautiful souls...!

It's so easy to look back on the year that's been and look for evidence on where we've fallen short, on where we aren't enough...

And as it's the holidays and we're spending more time with family and close friends...

The disconnection or dissatisfaction with where we are at may be heightened..

It's so easy to be seduced by the voice inside our head of not being enough, unworthy, falling short of expectation... And simply being a season of holding our breath and waiting for the exhale to come in 2023.

My invitation is ... Where can you place your attention such that it's loving to you?

Reflection is a beautiful opportunity.

Maybe 2022 was a year that was filled with disappointment, heartache, pain, sadness, and bought you to your knees.

I invite you then to reflect on what can you release and surrender in 2022, where can you draw the line in the sand of no longer tolerating or being ok with substandard?

What are you no longer ok with?
What are you letting go of so 2023 can be different?

What do you need to release, that you've been carrying that's costing you joy, love, peace, abundance, and connection?

And for those that have had 2022 filled with so much brilliance, magnificence, and joy... What would you like more of and to be even more amplified in 2023?.

What are the "more please" universe that you would like to invite and receive into your life?

What are you proud of? What are you so clear and resolved in your cells about you?

What evidence have you collected to reinforce that life is on your side, that you're loved, guided and suffering is optional?

Which relationships have been nurturing, nourishing, and allow you to be more of you?

What are you grateful for within these relationships and the opportunities that have presented themselves?

We are powerful beyond measure... As Marianne Williamson would say.

However most of us are afraid of our power.

What if 2022 was the last year you held back your power???

What would unfold?
What would you experience?
What would open up?

I'm a believer that the universe is kind.

That the universe ALWAYS has my back.. and the only thing I need to do is get out of my own way.

I have it in my cells and in my being that everything is happening for me.

For me to open up to more Love, more understanding, more guidance, more acceptance, more compassion... More joy, more expansion.

The "more", is for more life.

The universe is always working in my favour to invite me to more life.

All it takes is a decision.
All it takes is a choice.

All it takes is you, and me, deciding that we're worthy.

All it takes is you and me, choosing to experience the best of life.

In a world where we're so seduced to looking for what's wrong, what's not enough... Have 2022 be the last year that you're a victim to this perception of life.

And choose 2023 be the year you stand in your power, and the year you direct your attention and focus from a place of Love and Heart.

My 2022 has been so blessed and magical.. and you have had a big part to play in that.

I'm so grateful you're here.. thank you for allowing me to be in your world to share more healing, more Love, and the opportunity to return to the truth of who we are.

I love you. I appreciate you.

Thank you... And I can't wait to do 2023 with you.

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS If you would like me to help guide you in 2023, reach out and reply to this email. I know together, I'll show you the pathway to Quantum leap and have 2023 be unrecognisable.


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