Parenting Guilt

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

Scale 1-10, how much does "guilt" impact your experience of parenthood?

What would it be like if this was an anomaly in your experience of parenting vs the dominant experience?

I'm going to make a crazy claim. Guilt is a choice - and it's soooo possible not to be run by guilt. I've done it, I teach parents how to do it - and it works. 

Guilt - is an unconscious inherited choice passed down from generation to generation - and we have never questioned it. 

We have a finite amount of attention, focus, and willpower each day.
Every moment you spend in guilt is taking up energy away from joy, love, presence. 

I believe that you can be a parent, and guilt doesn't have to consume you. I'm not saying I don't "feel" it - I do, and it rarely hijacks my experience of life.

Now... you might say, oh but that's you Yummii - and it might even occur to you as "She is lying! That's impossible... GUILT is part of parenting".

I'm telling you - it doesn't have to be a part of parenting.

Just for a moment, notice how much you want to defend "guilt" or how much you are "attached" to it?

Because therein lies a mirror to show you how much power you have given to "guilt". 

Take back your power, and now guilt doesn't have a hold on you. 

Those who have gone through my programs in their entirety and implemented, who I have directly coached... I can tell you, hand-on-heart, guilt isn't a dominant experience.

They can feel it - and let it go. 

Do these parents make mistakes? Yes.
Do I make mistakes? Yes.

Being free from guilt doesn't mean you don't make mistakes or are "perfect". It's far from avoiding making mistakes and perfectionism.

To be free from guilt is to have a depth of compassion and love for yourself that you have never known. It is to be gentle with your humanity. 

Guilt is born from unconsciously high expectations, being hard on ourselves, and being driven by Fear.

So why is it that parents get consumed by guilt? 

This is exactly what I want to share with you.

Certain agreements and belief systems come up in parenting; when they go unquestioned, unexamined, they are accepted as truth. And it gets passed down from generation to generation. 

And as you know, we don't see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.

What your child needs from you may shift based on their ages.

However, with parenting, there is one common thread.

"Meet them, where they are at - and be the parent they need, not who you want to be or think you need to be."

When we do this, it's near impossible for guilt to seep through or be hijacked by guilt. 

I've coached parents with newborns, with teenagers, with grown children.

There is a unique way in which I see parenting and relationships....and I do believe there is a Manual for parenting. It's just not what we think it is.

On Thursday 4th November at 11:30 AM AEST, I'll be running the masterclass, "The Manual for Motherhood".

It is based on the framework for The Motherhood Mindset. It is the foundation that you can carry through in your parenting, whether your child is 1 or 10 or 17!

Because for me - parenting has very little to do with the child - and it is about our ability to meet our children as the parent they need versus the parent we think we need to be. 

Master this skill, and there is absolutely NO such thing as "terrible twos", "teenagers", "rebellious teenagers". 

In fact, with this greater understanding, you'll see that the labels we give children are all because of our addiction to control. And these labels only come up when we have no regard for parenting as a relationship between ourselves and our children. 

Reply to this email if you want to join live "Masterclass: The Manual for Motherhood" (it's great for Fathers too!). 

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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