PS - How to handle guilt...

Uncategorized Jun 27, 2022

I know I just sent you an email and I believe this is urgent and warrants a follow-up email.

Someone asked "How do I handle the guilt of my past mistakes and try to carry on without the horrible weight of that burden?". 

One word. Forgiveness.

There comes a point in time when our children turn into adults, and no one is immune from making unhealthy choices.

Our child, who is now the adult, has made an unhealthy choice... and maybe they are sooo stuck and feel really unworthy, not enough, terrible etc...

We would look at our child in the eye, we would hug them SO tight... and we would bring the type of Love, compassion, and understanding with; "You may have done something that wasn't for your highest and greatest good - AND you owe it to yourself to forgive yourself".

Our Heart would be so open ... as we can empathise with this journey of being human.

To hold that kind of space for our children, we are to hold that kind of Love for ourselves.

We focus on who we can be and who we are becoming, vs what we have done.

Give ourselves grace - and yes, hold ourselves accountable now that we know better.

If our 15-year-old is still feeling guilty for something she did when she was 5, we would have SO much compassion for her and invite her to let it go.

If you're debilitated by guilt, I'm inviting you to have so much compassion for yourself - and forgive yourself. ❤

AND - the awareness, embodiment and integration process is what will have you be FREE from guilt.


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