Seeing with new Eyes... and feeling with a new Heart

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2023


When was the last time you looked in the mirror, paused, and then said the words, "Thank-you for being you"? 

The idea of being my own best friend, and having a relationship with myself wasn't something I grew up with or was taught.

ALL I knew was to be hard on myself. To beat myself up. To focus all my attention on where I was falling short. 

And be obsessed with being better and improving from a state of survival. 

Until I drew the line in the sand back in 2010.

Being a high-achiever with no connection to my soul was heartbreaking. 

I also knew I wanted to have a family and be a parent one day... and that is NO place that can create a harmonious family. 

As Earth is making a brand new revolution around the Sun, I invite you to take the opportunity to have 2023 be the year that you are your own best friend.

That you look in the mirror each and every day and really look deep into your eyes... and feel in your Heart - the gratitude for being you.

What if this was your daily practice? :)

Once upon a time, I would look in the mirror, and ALL I saw was flaws. My Heart was completely shut off.

I would nitpick at my body, my freckles, the lines on my face - there was nothing that was pleasing.

I would consistently measure my chest, my waist size, my hips, and my weight - and if the numbers didn't match up to what I believed they should be - that would be more judgement and self-loathing. 

It never occurred to me that I needed to build a relationship with myself. And when I finally did, it all made sense. 

To see with new Eyes, and to feel with a new Heart is the experience of "awe and wonder" - and it's from this place that we are restored, that everything is renewed, and we feel safe in this experience called life.

Children are MAGNIFICENT with awe and wonder. In fact, they are masters of awe and wonder.

Awe and wonder are portals that open up your Heart, that allow you to get a fresh perspective, and are the elements that bring magic into this experience of being human.

Pause and think about it for a moment. If "awe and wonder" were deeply present in your life - what would that do to the burdens you are currently carrying?

If "awe and wonder" are practices that are a big part of your life, how would that impact the way you see your partner/ spouse, and what impact would it have on your parenting?

....And if you were to bring "awe and wonder" to yourself - how would you see yourself differently, and how much more Love and compassion would you feel in your Heart for yourself?

If you want the secret to growing in a relationship and having healthy relationships - the practice of "awe and wonder" is key.

With "awe and wonder", - you will see the other with new eyes and feel the other from a brand new Heart space. 

Relationships struggle, and the life force in the relationship is suffocated when we aren't seeing with new eyes and feeling with a brand new Heart space.

If 2023 is the year of Love, or the year where you want to make a difference in your relationships - start with "awe and wonder".

Get curious.
Let go of "knowing" them. 

You don't know them.

You know, a version of them based on the past. You have no idea who they truly are. 

Just like, they don't know you. They know a version of you based on the past. 

For John and I - I know the person John married doesn't exist.

I also know the version of me even 6 months ago is no longer there. 

And the quickest and easiest way for our relationship to die is if John continues to relate to me as the person he married in 2014. Or that I relate to him as the version of him I married in 2014.

We have both changed.

The hardest thing to navigate in relationships is the acceptance that we are different people - and recommitting to choosing each other for who we are now. Not who we crave or long for each other to be. 

Yes, my true Essence, the truth of who I am, is always there - however, for most of us, we get into relationships based on "the personality we have at that moment in time".

Also - I don't "know" my children. And this is SO key in parenting. To "know" them would mean I'm cutting off from seeing and feeling the possibilities and infinite potential that they want to express.

There is so much power in "not knowing" and tuning into "awe and wonder" with our loved ones. 

I promise you, your relationships will never be the same, once you let go of thinking you know them.

AND what if you did that for you too?

There is who you think you are... and there is actually who you truly are. 

And I promise you when you tap into who you TRULY are - you'll be looking in the mirror each and everyday, feeling the awe and wonder of what it is to be you - and saying. "Thank you" - with so much love, gratitude and tenderness for you. 

So - see with new Eyes, feel with a new Heart... unlock the magic of "awe and wonder"... and allow yourself to receive Love on a level you have never experienced before.

Sending love,
Yummii xx



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