The hardest job in the world...

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2022


I never saw parenting as a job...

I understand it's often described this way... and it never landed with me.

However, lately - I've been thinking... if parenting was a job... what's the actual work? What's really needed?

....and the way we answer those questions is all unique to where our consciousness is.

For someone who values living from the Mind, the work would be centred around "what do I need to do".

For someone who values living from the Heart, the work would be centred around "who do I need to be?".

Now... there is a way to determine your level of enjoyment and fulfilment with this job called parenting.

It's based on "the gap".

The gap is the space between what you want from parenting and who your child needs you to be as a parent.

The smaller the gap, the more enjoyable parenting is.

Now, the good news is that there is a constant.

The constant in the equation is this.

No matter if your child is a newborn or a teenager or even if it's your adult child - there is one-common consistent desire.

You'll always know where your child stands.

And this is the place.

"Please meet me at the level of Heart.

Be the parent that sees me...

For who I truly am.

Not my behaviour.
Not my actions.
Not my failures.
Not my mishaps.
Not where you expect me to be and where you think I should be.

Just meet me as I am."

So if I was to consider that parenting is a job...

...and our children are seeking us to meet them at the level of their Heart...

...and I am someone that values living from the Heart...

...what's the "work" that's really needed?

My "job" as a parent is to do everything I can to keep my Heart open - so I can open it to my child...and that they can feel that my Heart is open to them.

It's challenging work.
It requires trusting yourself.
It requires forgiving yourself.
It requires patience with yourself.
It requires meeting yourself with compassion - NO MATTER WHAT.
It requires being kind to yourself.
It requires radical self-responsibility.
It requires letting go of blame.
It requires letting go of being a victim.
It requires taking ownership.
It requires giving yourself grace.

The above - are brand new skills to be cultivated if you never knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of it.

Without this - it's all theoretical.

You can't teach a child to ride a bike if you've never known how to ride a bike....and feel what's needed.

And therefore - you won't be able to keep your Heart open to your child when they need it most...

....if you can't open your Heart for yourself when you need it most.

In my relationship to parenting - I find it has very little to do with the children.

I find it mostly has to do with building a relationship with our Heart.

... I have a hypothesis.

We never really understood the actual work that will make the most significant difference in parenting.

We have been conditioned to misunderstand the actual "job".

To be in your Heart is not weak, nor is it passive.

To meet others from your Heart is not weak and is not passive.

And it's the hardest work you'll ever do. maybe that's why we keep saying parenting is a job, and it's the hardest job in the world...

If we're under the illusion it's the child that's making the job hard - that's insanity.

As they have made it really obvious in what they are seeking.

They are very clear on what they want from the relationship.

....and well... if we take the skill-set that one acquires if they see parenting as a job and it's a job about being in the Heart - The person that really benefits, the one that comes out on top.... the one that wins the game - it's us.

The job was designed for us to win - not lose.

The job was created for us to soar - not suffer.

For there is no greater joy than giving life your all - and the only place you can really give life your all is from your Heart.

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS Now, go back and read the above and replace "parenting" with "relationships"...and children with "partner/ spouse".
IT really is a one-size-fits-all formula. ðŸ˜‰

PPS Ready to learn what it takes to connect to your Heart? Reach out here. It is time for a revolution - and that revolution is about living from the Heart.


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