The hardest part of breaking cycles... Inbox

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2023

You aren't repeating what your parents did with your children....

However, there is one thing that you continue to repeat that keeps you stuck.

We don't know, what we don't know... and for seekers, there is a blind spot - and it's the greatest part of your hero's journey.

In the work I do with clients, and when they are able to discover what's really holding them back (it's not mindset), this is where they really start breaking generational cycles.

Breaking generational cycles by parenting your children differently is the first step.

The next step, is the hardest.

Breaking free from your baseline and healing your relationship with yourself.

Now, this isn't a self-love practice of doing yoga, meditation, and crystals or sound baths. Those practices are amazing... and they focus on your Spiritual body.

What's missing is healing and realigning your Mental, Emotional and Physical body to your Heart and your Highest Self.

You see, you may have forgiven your parents, and you may have broken free from needing their validation, approval or being controlled by them....

However, you're still speaking and relating to yourself the way you grew up.

Simply said, the expectations, the pressure, the demands, the enmeshment, and the heartache that your parents projected - still lives within you. 

It might not be coming from your parents, and it's coming from yourself - to yourself. 

It's in your cells, it's in your thinking, it's in how you relate to yourself.

Even though you've "broken" free - the voices of the past still haunt you.

And those voices have become your own voice to yourself.

That's the hardest part of Healing Generational Wounds.

Allowing yourself to be free and liberated mentally, emotionally, physically, and Spiritually from the conditioning and projection you grew up with.

How do you know when you're there?

You have so much Love for you.

There is an inner peace and resilience that is unshakeable.

And that voice of being hard on yourself or beating yourself up no longer has a grip on you.

You may have fleeting moments of it - however, fleeting isn't good enough if you're wanting to live your best and most actualised life.

This is the work I do with clients.

What I know is that being hard on yourself and consistently feeling short or not enough has a cost on your life.

You don't feel joy. You struggle with happiness.

AND the hardest part, is you'll never fully receive Love or feel it within your being....and you push it away because you don't trust it.

You'll never be self-actualised or live your best life from this level of consciousness.

I know so much has changed in your life from your upbringing.

What hasn't changed, though, is that same self-talk, self-judgement, self-criticism....and relentless self-doubt, self-trust, and feeling unsafe to be you.

I help people break free from their baseline.

I've been there. It will be the hardest work you've ever done and the best gift you give yourself (all my clients have said this).

My process is hard.

And I know there is NOTHING like it out there that could hold you accountable to the depth that teaches to learn the mastery of Love. (All my clients who have done decades of inner work have shared this with me). 

This isn't a feel-good, rainbows and butterflies experience.

This is an excavation of what no longer serves you that you're so addicted to and comfortable with.

If you're looking to really heal generational patterns at the deepest, and you've asked for a sign - and you're still reading, would love to connect.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS I would love to guide you and have 2023 be the year where you draw a line in the sand on being hard on yourself. It doesn't serve anyone - and being hard on yourself will never be the place where you will be self-actualised and live your best life. 


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