The moment my heart sunk...

Uncategorized Sep 29, 2022

"I think I am the fox mummy"... He said.

His eyes look up at me, his finger in his mouth, and I can feel his energy.

Somewhat embarrassed, somewhat raw....and completely vulnerable.

We had just finished reading "The Boy, the Fox, the Mole, and the Horse".

A beautiful story of 4 characters, all of which live within us.

The boy is lonely and seeking connection.
The mole loves cake and creates a friendship with the boy.
The fox is weary and quiet.
The horse is gentle and kind. Reminding us of Love and compassion.

There is a section in the book:

"The fox never really speaks" whispered the boy
"No. And it's lovely he is with us" said the horse
"To be honest, I often feel I have nothing interesting to say" said the fox

When Avery said, "I think I'm the fox mummy...." I knew exactly what he meant.

My heart sunk. I had a reaction.

It hurt to hear him share that he didn't feel interesting when I think he is one of the most interesting people in this world! (I find him MORE interesting than most adults!)

I had to notice how much I wanted to fix it... as he just shared something so vulnerable.

"Do you feel like that a lot? - and do you really think you have nothing interesting to say?"...

He nods.

I give him a huge huge hug and kiss him on the head.

"Would it make a difference to hear how I feel about what you share?"

He nods...

"I think you are SOOOO interesting and I love hearing you speak!"

He gets uneasy and moves around.
Brooklyn starts making jokes and singing and dancing.

I look over at Avery..."Do you think Brooklyn is more funny and interesting than you? And that's because he talks more?"
He nods... "Brooklyn talks so much and I have nothing to say..."

6 and a half years old.

I know he is transitioning out of the first stage of being human and entering into the second.

This is the part in which he will make stories about himself, start finding his place in the world...

Steiner calls it crossing the Rubicon.

7, 9, 12. These years are pivotal...and so often misunderstood.

How our children cross over these years impacts their transition into young adults and teenagers.

These years require so much presence... SO much presence... and our modern society doesn't allow for that.

Our modern society doesn't care much for that.

And how he traverses these years will determine the choices he makes as a teenager.

It's predictable, as a science, based on research, the risky behaviours our teenagers will engage with based on their connection within themselves and at home.

A connection that requires SO much presence - that often gets put to the side because of our addiction to busyness.

If you have a teenager you're struggling with....go find a photo of them as a 7-year-old. When you look into your teenager's eyes... see that 7-year-old inside of them that is hurting.

And parent the 7-year-old inside your teenager.

That's how you go back in time and start holding space for your child to heal....

Their bodies have grown, and their Heart and Mind are frozen in time....

Frozen in a time when they felt invisible, uninteresting, unimportant and that they don't matter.
.... and the healing - is to be able to hold the space for our children in a way that they can liberate...

Chances are... if you're struggling with your children, your Heart and Mind are frozen back in time...

Meet the inner child inside of you that felt invisible, lonely, that felt they didn't matter, that is adamant that they aren't important and have no value in this world.

Meet the part of you that feels they aren't important, that feels unseen, unheard, and misunderstood...

It's time your inner child felt Loved.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS Want to know more about your Healing the Inner Child? Reply to this email, and I can gift you a free Masterclass on Healing the Inner Child.


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