The perfect Christmas gift...

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, there is something extraordinary about the energy of the last week of the year.

The energy is chaotic - however, what follows chaos is order.

Syntropy follows Entropy.

And the gift of order, the gift of syntropy - can only be realised when we allow ourselves to navigate the chaos and Entropy from one place, our Heart.

I know beyond any physical gift, the most priceless gift that we can give is the gift of Love. 

And that's harder than it sounds. 

This last week of the year, if anything, highlights how unloving we are to ourselves.

And so before we can learn how to give Love to ourselves - let's understand how we are unloving to ourselves:

  • Perfection
  • High Expectations of ourselves and others
  • Being a martyr
  • Putting everyone else first
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Not asking for help
  • Overcommitting and overpromising
  • Self-sacrifice
  • Saying "yes" when we mean "no."
  • Going against our Heart
  • Pleasing others "for the greater good."

The list above is what creates chaos in your life. It creates chaos in your relationships and chaos towards you having peace of mind, patience, joy, and receivership. 

The above is the chaos that we continue to perpetuate if we don't meet it with our Hearts.

We alchemise the chaos of the Mind by meeting it with the energy of our Heart.

I call the process, Meet Fear, with Love.

So whether you celebrate Christmas or not - there is no more perfect time than to gift yourself the gift of Love, of learning to live from your Heart, and meeting yourself with Love.

This Christmas, I invite you to give the following gift to yourself.

The permission to let go... and choose another way of living. The permission to allow yourself to let go of the burden and heaviness in being responsible for everyone, everything, and thinking you have to make everyone happy. Your partner/ your spouse, your children, your parents, your brothers, your sisters, your entire family. 

Because what you're doing, they are doing - and this hypersensitivity and super crazy expectation for perfection is not serving anyone...


So let's have the closing of the year be an authentic one. One that is Heartfelt and TRUE.

One where we let go of the facade, the false pretences, and we are committed to being real, raw, and our Hearts are wide open.

I invite you to gift yourself the gift of being human. Look in the mirror and start to embrace all the messiness - and meet that with Love.

Some of you may have lost parents this year, some of you are going through the grief and loss of the ending of a relationship, and some of you may even be going through navigating unchartered territory within your family life.

There may be sadness, despair, disappointment, frustration, anger,... or hope, gratitude, desire, longing.... whatever you're experiencing... there is nothing wrong with you, and there is no more extraordinary gift than allowing yourself to be exactly as you are.

Deep, unadulterated reverence for you.

Let go of the pressure of perfection. Let go of needing it to be resolved before Christmas or by Christmas. Let go of needing to be happy when you're not or needing to be joyful when you're in deep despair.

AND of course, if you're in Joy - spread that joy. If you're in absolute Gratitude - Be that beacon of light.

My point is - allow yourself to be. 

To give yourself the gift of loving yourself for where you are.... because when you do that for yourself, you can do that for others.

I truly believe the truth of who we are is Love - and everything, every circumstance, every challenge, every upheaval that we encounter is asking us to do one thing; "Meet me with Love."

I hope this Christmas you can give yourself this gift.

It is truly the most priceless gift that has a ripple effect beyond anything you would ever recognise and know.

And.... in recognising the shift from chaos to order, entropy to syntropy is the application of Love - I promise you, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

Merry Christmas beautiful souls.

I love you, I honour you... 

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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