The power within you..

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2023

Last year an acquaintance on Facebook shared that his doctor said he had terminal cancer and had 1 month left to live.

It  was out of the blue...

As soon as he heard the diagnosis - he started preparing to die and organised "last goodbye" get-togethers.

It was almost a month from the date of diagnosis that he transitioned and passed away.

He accepted a reality someone else created for him.

In 2016, my father-in-law was also admitted to the hospital and had a terminal illness.

His system was breaking down - He struggled with alcohol for most of his life; there was so much unprocessed trauma and complex pain he carried from the days of war.

Back then, we were told he would be lucky to live for another year.

Between 2016 - 2022 - he would be admitted to hospital numerous terms per year... one time, he was admitted to ICU and declared brain dead. He was in a coma... and the doctors told us we should prepare to say goodbye.

This was in 2019.

He surpassed ALL the prognosis from the doctors - his "will" to stay alive was incredible.

He really did have "9 lives".

From his first diagnosis to when he actually passed away - 5.5 years.

They gave him 1 year... and there were a few times "you should prepare to say good-bye as we can't see beyond 6 months".

So what creates our reality?

As human beings, we don't realise how powerful we are.

There are things we accept as possible - and things we deem as far-fetched.

My father-in-law believed he was meant to be alive...Here's why.

When he was in war, he was the ONLY soldier that remained alive out of all his friends in his contingent.

That was enough evidence for him to believe he could survive.

His "will" to live surpassed anyone else's belief and doubt.

In his Heart and his knowing for himself, he knew he had a "powerful will".

The faculty that determines what we accept as possible for us and what we don't accept as possible for us is our "imagination".

Our imagination is "received" by the Mind. NOT created from the Mind ðŸ˜‰

What most don't understand is "imagination" is from our Soul.

Our ability to expand our imagination and activate isn't from the "Mind". It is the Heart.

This is why children have the most incredible imaginations - because they are ALL Heart.

The Heart opens our Soul to infinite possibilities.

The idea is then "received" in the Mind. This is how people get "downloads".

The space between diagnosis and prognosis - is no different from the past you have lived and what you believe is possible from that past VS creating an entirely different reality.

Your reality is determined by YOU.

By your connection to your Heart.

By your understanding and acceptance that yes, the Mind is powerful based on how connected you are to your Heart.

Your roots and where you came from - are part of your story AND are not how your story ends - unless you give it permission to be so.

It's you that holds the key.

It's you that also puts yourself in the cage.

It's you that can free yourself.

And it's you that will also repeat the suffering. . . And for those of you who are genuinely committed to living your best life, to living your most authentic self - that comes with a responsibility.

The responsibility to connect to your Heart.

The responsibility to live from your truth.

The responsibility to cultivate a connection to your Highest knowing.

And the responsibility to never let your Heart harden.

For no one can defy "a prognosis" from the same level of mind and the same level of consciousness...

And the only way you raise your consciousness - you raise the Love that lives within you. .....and to raise the Love that's within you - that, my friends, is from the Heart. 

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS... Accept the diagnosis. Question the prognosis.


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