The revealing question I asked my husband...

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2022

Hello beautiful soul!

John and I are driving with our two boys in the back. 

I look over at him.

"We're so blessed...we live such a grateful life...". I share. 

Lately, in my meditations, I've been asking a "sign from the Divine". 

Visions of Brooklyn and Avery as 80-year-olds have been coming to me. They are fulfilled... they are at peace.. they are loving life... they are proud of the families they have created and nurtured.

I turn over to John, and I share about these visions I've been having. 

It's a generational pattern disrupt.

You see... I know.... right now, if either my parents or John's parents pass away... there is anything but fulfilment.

They won't be departing this time/ space with peace in their Heart. 

My father-in-law has Stage IV cancer.

We are unsure how many months he has left here earthside... and he isn't living as though it's his last few months on earth. 

For all the grandparents that had passed away on both our sides - they didn't transition with a full heart.

I remember my great-grandfather... he spent his last years in front of the TV. There was a physical body, and there wasn't a sign of life. When he transitioned...There was so much sadness, grief, and so many things unspoken that was left unresolved within the family.

Generationally - if I look back on my parents and both their sides, and also on John's side - it's sad to say... however, "fulfilment" wasn't a priority.

This isn't to judge it - or blame it... and it is something to be conscious of - because we repeat patterns....and if there is a pattern in the family, and generationally, we are "conditioned" to close off our Hearts - it's something to be aware of.

The hardest thing you'll ever do in this lifetime is keeping your Heart open. 

I feel this is the hardest part of parenting.

I also feel this is the actual gift of being a parent.


Parents are obsessed with giving their children a headstart in life.

We think having them get ahead is all about the job they have, how competitive they are at school, and comparing them to their peers.

Here's how you really give your children the best headstart to life.

Meet them with your open Heart.

I've never known anyone NOT to thrive when they are bathed in generosity, love, and acceptance. 

I've known people who are in "survival" when they are met with judgement, harshness, criticism, blame, and condemnation.

However... human beings fully thrive when they're met with an open Heart.

This includes us, and it includes our children.

A fulfilled life is not led by the mind.

A fulfilled life is led by the Heart.

And to meet our children with an open heart... guess what?

You have to meet yourself with an open heart.

If there were something I would wish for all who are transitioning, it is this. "I hope as you take your last breath, your Heart is full and overflowing."

So on this drive I turn to John and ask:

"If you died tomorrow - what would weigh heavy on your Heart? Or would you be at peace?"

To which he replied, "I wish I wasn't so hard - on myself and of course the boys...".

He paused. "Yeah... I wish I wasn't so harsh...."

I asked, "Is that yours? Or is it learnt?"

I saw him take a breath.

"It's how my dad was, and I guess I just copied him... so much is unconscious, huh?" He responded.

Once again, our parents aren't to blame. 

...And understanding our parent's story is so vital to our healing.

So... "If you died tomorrow, what would weigh heavy on your Heart?".

Food for thought.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS I would love to know. Reply to this email - and share with me... what would be weighing heavy on your Heart. 


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