What have you given up on?

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

I want you to meet Lisa.

"I had accepted that motherhood was just one of the areas of my life that were going to be average. I was struggling - I was overwhelmed with guilt, shame and feeling not enough. I had given up that it could be any better."

Lisa started working with me a the beginning of 2020. At this point she was parenting and in relationships as her Inner Wounded Child. 

She had given up on her relationship with her boys without knowing she had given up. Underneath it all was a deep sense of sadness and regret. 

An incredible thought leader and coach - the area of relationships and intimacy, was her blind spot. 

She had given up on sharing a deep connection with her twin boys (17 years old) and her youngest 13-year-old. 

When she came to me, there was a lot of anger between them.

She was at a loss. She felt dominated and bullied by them. And she was so stuck on what to do with what she considered inconsiderate, selfish, arrogant, and disrespectful behaviour. They were shutting her out - and she was shutting them out... She had believed that this is how life is.

During this time, she was also healing from her divorce and had was navigating being in a loving relationship - where both were challenged on how to navigate conflict. 

She sincerely wanted to feel connected as a mother, partner and experience what it was like to be in a healthy, nourishing relationship.

In being in the Mastermind for the last 12 months - her relationship with her boys is unrecognisable... and "I love being their mother" are the words she can speak.

What she didn't anticipate was through Healing Generational patterns. What also opens up is the capacity to have intimacy and resolve conflict with her partner and loved ones.

In August this year, her partner and her had split up - and if you have ever gone through a divorce, the pain you feel after the end of a relationship is tenfold. 

Through the work we did together - a miracle occurred.

She was able to see her patterns on how it contributed to the breakdown of the relationship, take accountability for what had happened, hold space for his healing - and they created a brand new relationship.

I would love for you to meet Lisa - and hear her journey over the last 12 months in working with me. 

This is her testimonial

2022 is around the corner. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

For the last 2 years, most people have "blamed" the pandemic for where their life is. I get it - and that blame isn't going to get you the life you want. 

Most people blame others when they don't have the life they want.

It's my partner. It's the kids. It's society. It's everyone else...

Whilst blame is seductive - being a victim will not have you feeling fulfilled and receiving the life you want.

What's crazier is that those who blame are aware that they are blaming and know there is no liberation. The victim card doesn't give you peace of mind, nor does it allow you to create connection.

The only thing that will is finding your patterns and learning how to break free.

Lisa is now thriving as a mother in her relationships, and she has the tools to navigate the challenges. 

It's the most profound work you'll ever do - and I would love to be your guide.

The Mastermind is invite-only. 

It is a PhD on Love - and the energetics of Wholeness (we just went through 26 weeks of Healing the Inner Child!) - and you'll get access to this incredible library of all my Masterclasses (valued over $40,000).

If you're a coach, a healer, leader, entrepreneur, or someone in transformation and you hold space for others, this work is for you.

Love isn't elusive. Nor is Wholeness. It will change your family life and your life. 

Reach out and connect with me to find out more. If it isn't for you - I will let you know..., and if it is for you, I would LOVE to have you on board.

You'll be blown away by the healing that comes through in this container.

Another client has said, "I've had over ten years of therapy and EMDR - and nothing has been able to have me feel at peace like what you're teaching here and how to liberate the energy out."

I would love to hear from you. Apply here

Sending love,
Yummii xx


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