What I know to be true..

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2022


1. To trust my Heart, is to trust myself.

Without trusting myself, I will never be able to tune into the wisdom of my Heart and follow through its guidance.

2. The Mind is the most powerful tool as a human being.

The Heart holds the most powerful FORCE in the universe.

Tapping into my Heart unlocks my Mind as the powerful tool it's meant to be.

WITHOUT tapping into my Heart, my Mind becomes an untamed crazy monkey, a completely loose cannon, that is in the driver's seat of my life running my life from a 5-year old that didn't get her way, a 15-year old that feels misunderstood or the broken-hearted 20-year old that thinks she is the most unlovable person in the world.


Spirituality is the practice of knowing I am Divine, and bringing this to my human experience.

It isn't limited to the hour that I meditate, or the hour that I'm in yoga, or the hour that I am out in nature peacefully receiving downloads free from external triggers and "life".

I am most Spiritual in times where I am seduced by my Mind to act out in a wounded way and I choose LOVE.

I choose to follow my Heart.

That's Spirituality in action.

To know if one is "Spiritual" or not - see how they are in their humanity.

Spirituality isn't an excuse to be a horrible human being.... and it's not the excuse to escape being human.

When used and directed from the Heart, Spirituality can guide us to experience the "Wholeness" in human being.

4. The Mind thinks, the Heart knows

The Mind is powerful, and it has no place being in the business of my relationships because it will never "know" connection.

Running my relationships from my mind is the quickest, fastest way to destroy them, destruct them, and then I get to be right about a childhood story that the world is unloving and I'm unlovable.

5. Generational healing is power.

I am born with 2 fears - the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.


In healing generational patterns - I have the power to return to the truth of who I am versus who I needed to be in order to survive, belong, fit-in.

I am not my race.
I am not my parent's past.
I am not my religion.
I am not my belief systems.
I am not the area I was raised, the school I went to and my nationality.

Generational healing is the act of surrendering and releasing what isn't mine. The fears I inherited are not mine... and they are my responsibility in how they are met and released.

The biggest LIE is I'm unlovable.

AND I'll send that 20-year-old LOVE every time she comes out and wants to be in the driver's seat of my life.

6. My Highest Self is always there.

Cultivate this relationship and this is the place where Life FLOWS through me.

Flow state is available to me when I am living life from my Highest Self.

I have faith in Divine Timing.
I am receiving Divine Guidance.
I am surrendering to Divine Will.

There is nothing PASSIVE about these states.

These are active states of Love, intentionality, and a reflection of how much I trust myself, trust my Heart and am tuning into what I need which is for my Highest and Greatest good.

7. GUARD my Mind, My Heart, and my Being - and everything will fall into place.

I can choose my thoughts, and this is self-mastery.

And no unexamined thought that is unworthy of my attention will be given life.

AND I have the power to do this, when I live from my Heart.

When I'm not in my Heart, my ability to "choose" my thoughts and follow through is limited.


These are my truths. Do you have a manual on your Highest truths?

I highly recommend starting one. Because when you start creating your own philosophy on living, you are no longer living out inherited belief systems that no longer serve you.

I guide my clients to write 2 manuals. A manual on their patterns and a manual on their Highest Self.

To know thyself is the grandest act of Love.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS Want guidance on how to start writing these manuals? Reply to this email. I can show you how. 


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