What would Love do?

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

Hello beautiful soul,

This one question has been guiding my life and all my choices for over a decade. 

Yep, just this one question. "What. Would. Love. Do?"

My awakening came when I got divorced. I realised up until then, I was trying to have healthy relationships driven by my Mind and then getting frustrated and so confused on why my relationships were constantly testing and lacklustre.

You cannot Love from your Mind. And yet most of us do.

"What would Love do?" is completely surrendering to the intelligence of your Heart.

Most of us parent from our Minds.
Most of us are in relationships from our Minds.

Your Mind isn't the place that Love lives. That's why there's a struggle.

To be present, to be calm - the Mind doesn't know-how. The Mind is all about the past, logic, anticipation, intellectualising and analysing.

The Heart is where you're able to access presence, calm.. and cultivate deep connections..

....and if you've never known how to trust your Heart, this may seem like a big challenge.

Over the last 9 months, I've created an intimate and exclusive Mastermind container to cultivate exactly this. To be someone who can consistently, reliably trust their heart and turn to it for guidance.

I want to share some of the magic with you from clients inside the Mastermind:

"There are many times that tears well up in my eyes. I see it as my body finally releasing all that baggage I've been holding on to for so long. It's so energising to return to Love."

"I am absolutely in love with my new ability to say "I feel it" and my body responds. My body feels heard and can finally let go of the tight grasp of so many old ways of being. After all these years of wishing, I could just relax, let go, love more... I am finally able to."

"I am so proud of myself."

"I can't believe going through this process with you, I'm able to finally Love and feel safe - Something that over 10 years of therapy and EMDR couldn't do."

"It's been well over 14 years I have invested into myself, running away from my trauma - and it's only now, in working with you, I am embodying the transformation. This is such a gift to my family."

"I can finally feel my heart. It feels so wonderful to live from here. Meet Fear, with Love - your voice is always inside my head!"

...Now, these are the results in their family:

"Without doing this work, I would have never realised my daughter was experiencing depression - and she wouldn't have come to me for help. We had a really bad relationship and now, because of this work, I can be there for her and give her the support she needs."

"Motherhood was the one area in my life where I felt stuck. Everything else was amazing - it was just motherhood. I felt overwhelmed, not enough, guilty, and really stuck with my boys. Our relationship has completely transformed... and never for the 17 years I've been a mother, I was able to say 'I love who I am as a mother'....and I can confidently and proudly say; 'I'm a damn amazing mother and I love who I am as a mother now!"

"I am finding so much joy with my children now... and getting so much better at holding space for them and no longer as hijacked!...and when I am, I know how to repair, reconnect, and I have compassion and patience with myself! I can see a HUGE difference in them because of my energy."

"I did this work for my children and me... and I can't believe I'm getting results in my relationship, in my work, it's working EVERYWHERE in my life."

And there's more....

"I thought teenagers don't talk. Now I realised it was me. I've had to rebuild our connection and I couldn't have done it without this course."

"Yummii!! My 13-year-old son sold his X-Box without me saying anything! WOW! I've given them a new mother... and now they have a new future."

"I'm finally the patient, calm, and present parent I wanted to be. I had no idea all the patterns I had from my childhood."

"They love me Yummii. They really love me... and I can finally feel it....and I can feel the Love for myself."

"My family has Quantum Leaped!"

In the last 9 months, when I started this Mastermind container "Meet Fear, with Love" - all I wanted to do was guide others to consciously build a relationship to Love. To master it. Cultivate it. Truly understand what it means to live in wholeness and make a commitment to master living a life guided by Love - over a life guided by Fear. 

So much of this work is about healing our relationship to Love... and as a parent, your children will show you exactly what needs healing.

This is the gift of being a parent. The opportunity to return to your wholeness. 

October is going to be the last month to join the Mastermind. There are 4 spots left. 

No-one teaches what I do. There is a process I have created, that's lived and proven. 

Your relationship to Fear will shift... I don't see Fear as "bad" or something that you conquer. In fact, it isn't something to resist. 

To truly understand and embody wholeness - a big part is to meet your Fear, with Love.

Why is this important? 

Because there is no greater gift, no greater legacy, than the gift of knowing how to Love.

How would your life been, if you had parents who found tremendous joy in who they were and how they loved? If you had parents who TRULY lived a life guided by their Heart and were true to who they were?

I believe that's why you're here and reading this. Because it matters to you. It matters to you to be the best version of you, for you and for everyone around you. Especially your children. 

It was the very reason that drove my desire to do this for me - and to guide others to do the same for their families. 

If you didn't know what it felt like to be unconditionally loved as a child, you grew up with trauma, you had to be perfect to be loved, or there wasn't space to be emotionally met as you needed and you know it's impacting your parenting - reach out. 

If you are hijacked by rage, anger, shame, doubt, frustration, overwhelm, fear and guilt - I'm inviting you to consider that you don't have to suffer.

Because if you choose suffering, your children will too. 

The Mastermind container is the most sacred and incredible space in which you can meet your truth. 

Reach out and apply here: Connect with me here

The link will take you to a page so I can find out more about your situation and circumstance. 

What has taken me over 12 years to master means you get to shave off YEARS. I've had a 100% success rate for those that have chosen to step into my Mastermind.

It's intense. It's gentle. And I've got you. The space I hold is like no other. 

If your heart is beating, listen. Follow the nudge.

Sending love,
Yummii xx

PS If you can't ask your partner for what you need and want, that's trauma. If you find it challenging to be with your children's emotional state and constantly triggered, that's trauma. If you're constantly judging yourself, questioning yourself, feeling doubt, berating yourself over the smallest things - that's trauma.

It's time to heal it. 

Connect with me here.


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