What you don't know about your Heart...

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2023

Most people don't know their Heart is closed or that they struggle with their Heart - especially those that have a really big Heart and are always giving.

Over-giving is a sign you're disconnected from your Heart.

There are also people who didn't even know that they consciously shut down their Heart... or maybe they do, and don't know how to reopen it.

This is the reason most partnerships and marriages fall apart.

One person shuts down their Heart - and doesn't let the other in. And no matter what the other person gives, it'll never be good enough to receive, because the Heart is closed off from receivership. 

There is now a vicious cycle in the relationship. 

If your Heart is closed, you'll never feel seen, heard or understood. And you'll struggle to trust others or believe that they care about you.

You can't receive with a closed Heart.

For the over-givers, you over-give because you desperately want others to feel that you see them, you hear them, and you understand them - because it's so important to you as it's what you crave for you.

A closed Heart, a hardened Heart means you block connection, you block intimacy - and you'll never experience feeling seen, heard or understood...

The saddest part - you'll never feel loved by others for being you.

The even sadder part - is because your Heart is closed, you're actually afraid of being seen, yet it's the thing you want most. 

The reason you've been ok with a closed Heart is that you're scared and afraid. You can't find a reason why it would be worth opening up... 

Because in the past, you have opened up your Heart to a lot of people, trusted others over time... and they leave, or something traumatic happens... and that heartbreak, that grief... that loss... it can be debilitating. 

Here's the COST of not opening up your Heart.

Your Heart is where your truth lives. 
It's also the place of your power. And the Seat of your Soul.

To own your power, to own your worth, to own your value - to be able to trust Love, to be able to RECEIVE - requires an open Heart.

Your overgiving doesn't mean your Heart is open.

Your overgiving is a sign you have closed off your Heart to yourself. 

People with an open Heart, value the Love they give - and they give to others that are READY to receive.

People with an Open Heart - don't overgive.

They give, where it will be received. 

Overgiving is a symptom of "I'm unworthy" and "I'm not enough". 

If you also struggle with perfectionism and combine that with overgiving, you really believe there is something wrong with you and that you're broken.

That's another sign of a closed heart. 

Because - if you're overgiving and wanting to hold it all together - you're afraid of being seen - yet it's the thing you want most. 

Yes, I know in the past, when you have opened your Heart, people have left, they let you down - have you considered it's because your Heart was closed - and you didn't value yourself?

What if that struggle was gone?

What if opening your Heart meant healthy relationships with emotional intimacy, connection, and safety?

The more your heart is closed, the more you're heightened and scanning for danger or what's wrong - and finding it when it didn't even exist. 

Behind your mask of independence, I know you're feeling broken and feeling as though a healthy relationship is so far-fetched.

What if it isn't? and the pathway is opening your Heart?

Your struggle in your relationships can be solved. There is a remedy. There is a solution.

You can heal your Heart... and peace is possible. 

Helping successful, strong women who can do it all alone - and don't trust how good life can be - that's what I do. 

And the answer does live in knowing how to open your Heart and live from your Heart.

The steps I take you through are very simple. Yes, it will be heavy at times, and yes, it will be hard - AND on the other side of this is the connection, intimacy, and peace you have been seeking.

If you want to know the next steps to open your Heart that's unique to you, reach out and apply for a complimentary consult

It's really time you know how to receive, know how to trust life...and stop doing life alone.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS If you're done with pretending not to need anyone and doing life alone, or done with worry, guilt and shame, the answer lies within opening your Heart.

Click the link - I can help.  


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