Would you be ok if...

Uncategorized May 04, 2022

Would you be ok if your children were in the same type of relationship you have, have had, or have the same view around relationships? 

  • Does it feel fulfilling?
  • Does it feel safe?
  • Is it nourishing?
  • Does it make you feel more in love with life? And more trust with life?

There are 3 things that need to be in alignment to have an incredible experience of life.

Wealth, Health, and Relationships.

And we kind of "assume" we know what to do and what's needed in these areas - yet most of us have no idea. We are thriving in 1 or 2 areas, and another area is suffering.

Here are some clues that will highlight your blocks in relationships.

Do you:

  • Feel it's safer to be alone and doing life on your own than being in a relationship?
  • Do everything on your own and like proving to yourself that you don't need anyone?
  • Struggle to ask for help - and it doesn't even occur as a struggle (you just wish they would "know" or you don't want to be a burden on others)?
  • Find it hard to really ask for what you want and share how you feel... or when you do, you feel shut down and even more misunderstood?
  • Find it challenging to raise really important topics such as parenting, finances, growth or wanting to be better as a family, couple, or co-parents?

When we struggle with receiving Love, navigating conflict, and being able to move through challenges - it feels lonely. And we feel abandonment, rejection, and our inner child is running the show.

It feels really familiar - and do everything in our power to avoid repeating the patterns from our past or what we observed from our parents. Yet no matter how hard we try, it's more of the same. 

Why? Because you think it's a mental and awareness game only.

This isn't a mental game nor simply an awareness one. You can't think your way back to your Heart.

It's a Spiritual one. 

You really can't live your best life until you can receive Love - and feel safe in relationships. Every kind of relationship.

Romantic, friendship, parenting, relationship with self. 

You may not look lonely on the outside, it may look like life's an adventure - and the truth is felt when you lay your head on your pillow at night. 

The business doesn't cut it.

The wealth doesn't cut it.

The success doesn't cut it.

The adventures and fund doesn't cut it.

These things are important and we aren't meant to have the most important areas of our life compete with each other or try to fill the void. 

The distractions can only numb out so much before the loneliness will creep up and you finally have the courage to meet it. 

I witness so many incredible women and mothers, who have so much Love to give, and their Heart rejects receivership. 

Here's truth. When you really know how to receive - your giving is taken to another level...and your giving will no longer be from a place of Fear. 

I know you don't think there is anything wrong with your baseline. And you're right, there isn't. There's nothing wrong with where you are.

AND I'm here to tell you that loneliness, and doing life on your own doesn't have to be your baseline. You will continue to be successful, and create amazing things - and what if loneliness could be a feeling, an experience, and not your identity?

We're not here to do life alone. We're here, to share, to give, to receive, and to contribute and connect with each other.

If you find it challenging to feel safe in relationships or you're away that you hold yourself back in relationships - I want to invite you to a really special Masterclass I'm running tomorrow.

"Find your baseline in relationships".

You will discover the unhealthy habits you have in your relationships. The unconscious patterns, and the place in which your body feels safe - and yet, your Heart is in turmoil and not at peace.

Details are:


Time/ Date: Thursday 5th May; 11am - 12:30pm Sydney, Australia time

  • PDT - Wednesday 4th May 6pm - 7:30pm
  • CEST - Thursday 5th May 3am - 4:30pm
  • CDT - Wednesday 4th 8pm - 9:30pm

Reply to this email and I'll send you the zoom link. 

I hope to see you there.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS When your inner-world is nourished, when you truly create a safe haven within you to receive and you feel safe in relationships - the business, the wealth, the success, the adventures are no longer about filling a void - and they become expressions of your being. That's when you've truly broken free and living a life of alignment. 


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