You probably have unrealistic expectations...

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2022

You probably have unrealistic expectations...

"My children should always be happy!"

"I've done so much therapy, tapping, inner work, coaching - why do I still feel like stuff is coming up?! It shouldn't be there...!"

"My husband SHOULD meditate and do all the things!"

"I'm doing all this conscious parenting stuff - why don't my children just stop fighting, and why does their behaviour still get to me?!"

"Why do I still have challenges?! Should life be calm, still and no issues?!"

I'm sorry. I hate to give you the bad news.

We do inner-work; we commit to transformation not so that others around us change... it is so that we have dominion over our perception. 

And we do inner-work not to fix ourselves... (because that's the place in which it feels relentless, constantly questioning ourselves, fuelled by doubt, and consumed by shame).

We do the inner work to have a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

We do the inner work so that we break free from the illusion that we're broken, there's something to fix about ourselves and others, and that we are not enough.... or that there isn't enough.

We may feel broken, we may feel defeated - and in doing the inner work, we truly embody the knowing that we are not broken nor are we stuck as we are. 

This too shall pass - and impermanence is the only constant in this journey of being an infinite Spiritual being, having a human experience.

The wisdom we gain from this journey isn't about knowing more.

The true wisdom we gain allows us to "Love more". Love fiercely, Love deeply, and surrender into living, guided by Love.

I believe that the moment we accept, love, and bring reverence to our humanity; our Divinity comes through. 

However, when we are under the illusion and addiction of perfection, always fixing ourselves, fixing our children, fixing our partners/ spouses... and thinking there is always something to deal with - we deny our humanity.

...And if we're doing the inner work expecting that this work will have them "change".... that's really not inner work. ;) 

The other unrealistic expectation is "timing".

If you have spent 30+ years addicted to guilt, addicted to shame, addicted to blame, addicted to doubt, comparison, resentment, stress.... 

It's going to take a significant amount of ENERGY to shift that addiction.

It will take longer than a week to embody the shifts, it will take longer than 12 weeks to integrate the learning, and it definitely take longer than a weekend breathwork session or plant medicine ceremony. 

All of these things are amazing - and they give us glimpses into what's possible....AND the real work is in your day-to-day, waking moments, when you're with your family, children, and you're in your life.

It's easy to feel bliss when you're away from your environment.

The real work, is to create that sense within yourself from the most GROUNDED, embodied state whilst the chaos is around you. 

Because - it's never about them. 

You do the inner-work so you can stop pretending.

Stop pretending that it didn't hurt.

Stop pretending that you weren't disappointed.

Stop pretending that you have to have it all together.

The moment you stop pretending, bypassing, and denying your humanity - you're free. 

You do the innerwork so you stop having unrealistic expectations of yourself - so if you're doing the innerwork and still having unrealistic expectations of yourself - it's your trauma that's doing the inner work. Not the real, true "you".  

I'm all for Quantum Leaping. I've done it, I believe it in, I trust it. I believe it's an incredibly fun and powerful way to live life. And it isn't as hard as you think. 

And.... the doorway is truly, to love on your humanity. Stop denying this human experience and expecting it to be something it isn't.

...because the secret to Quantum Leaping is this.

Choosing love.

And you don't really choose love, until you choose you...

and you only choose you... once you choose your humanity.

Sending love,

Yummii xx

PS Is there something you're stuck with? Have you done so much inner-work and you're still feeling like something is missing? or you're ready for Quantum Leaps in your life?

Get in touch. I can help. Reply to this email or click the link to connect. 


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