You're not on the same page...

Uncategorized May 03, 2022

...About parenting, relationships, and either your partner or you shut-down and get defensive when there is conflict. 

And you can keep ignoring it - which I know is eating away at you... and the more and more you ignore it, the less and less you trust yourself. 

Here's how to get on the same page.

You need to start with "connection".

On a scale of 1-10, how high is the connection?

I can almost be certain that every time you had a conversation that didn't go well or where win/win wasn't the outcome, and you felt more unseen, unheard, and misunderstood - the connection was an 8 or under. 

And I can almost predict that 1 of you got defensive, another shutdown, and then if it got really nasty, the past would come up, and criticism or contempt would rear its head. 

The saddest part is that you know this is really unloving to you - and it keeps repeating. You feel powerless, stuck, and you're really trying. 

You need to come to my Masterclass on 5th May. Finding out your baseline in Relationships.

You struggle in conflict or when there are testing times in your relationship because your body feels unsafe in these moments to create connection.

The only thing you know is to battle it out and either dominate or be passive-aggressive.

You think you're the victim, and you think you're the one that's really trying.

Problem is, both of you are thinking the same....and the worst part is that you're making each other the enemy. 

When you can master the art of connection - your relationships shift.

Reply to this email, and I'll send you the Masterclass details.

Sending Love,
Yummii xx

PS If you are "proud" to be extremely independent and have children, I'm looking at you. Extreme independence is a trauma response. Your children will grow up pushing everyone away because they don't need anyone, OR they will learn from you how to be independent and be vulnerable and allow Love in. I hope it's the latter. 


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