You're not stuck with the rage or the guilt...

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2022

You really thought you were prepared for parenting - and it’s the hardest and most testing role in your life.

You have high standards for yourself and you want to do better… and you’re thinking, how is everyone else handling parenthood?

Why am I experiencing this level of challenge and pain - is it just me? Is it just harder for me? And easier for everyone else?

The emotional ups and downs - you’re reacting to everything - and feeling a loss of control. Your sense of self-worth is at an all-time low - and you’re questioning, is this what parenting is going to be like? Disappointed, frustrated and angry for the next 5, 10, 15 years?

You’re breaking, feeling broken - and beating yourself up.

It’s an internal battle that has you losing - and will continue to do so if you don’t know how to navigate these breaking points. 

To navigate the emotional rollercoaster of parenthood - the most powerful thing you can do in these moments is to know how to centre yourself and give yourself grace. 

 What if there is a manual where you can learn exactly what to say to yourself in the most challenging moments and no longer be stuck in the cycle of rage, guilt, and shame?

Here is what you need to know:

1. You're feeling out of control - because you're trying to control everything.

The perfectionism, the uncertainty, and not knowing what to do while needing to be certain with what to do is the madness that is perpetuating your cycle.

Your children don't want to be controlled - AND parenting has nothing to do with control.

2. Your expectations of them are unfair - and your expectations of yourself are unfair.

If I expected an apple tree to grow strawberries would you call me insane?

Because you would tell me it's impossible right? An apple tree grows apples - not strawberries.

I'm telling you, your expectations of your children and you are the same. Insane.

Your expectations are from a place of Fear. And they create a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

3. You're putting yourself last. Rage - is a symptom of resentment. Guilt - is a symptom of lack. Shame is a symptom - of unworthiness. 

If you're overflowing, resentment, guilt, and shame cannot exist in the same space.

Now, I'm not saying that it is easy to put ourselves first nor are we eradicating resentment, guilt, and shame from our lives.

My point is - the habit and addiction of putting yourself last doesn't serve you. And it is this habit of putting yourself last that has you beating yourself up.

If you're ready to break up with rage and guilt - and what to be able to do the above - reply to this email or connect with me here.

Because the saddest thing for both your child and you, is 20 years from now, they know that you didn't enjoy being their parent - and they felt like a burden in your life.

Reach out. It doesn't have to be that way.

Sending love,

Yummii xx


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