
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

The secret to healing your generational wounds

Uncategorized Nov 26, 2020

"Why is conscious parenting so hard?"

"How do I make my child understand x, y, z?"

"How can I have my partner be on board with conscious parenting?"

"This is all too much - I want to be a better parent, and maybe it's me - however, I think it's my children as much as me, and we don't have help.. and I'm so scared of screwing them up!"

"I know they are my wounds - and I want to heal them. It...

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The elephant in the room

Uncategorized Nov 19, 2020

Have you ever had that friend that kept complaining about the same thing over and over again? Or finding themselves amid drama consistently?... and they can't see it? They know something needs to change; however, they don't know what or how.

They are unhappy - on some level they are bored with their story, and yet it keeps going on repeat?

... or this person may even be you?

That's what...

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Heal your hurt

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2020

Growing up, my parents loved me. They would remind me how much they have sacrificed, what they have given up, and all they did in the name of "love".

I didn't feel this love. I didn't feel seen. I didn't feel heard. I didn't feel understood.
I knew they "loved" me.

This isn't to blame them or judge their parenting. They did the best they could based on the conscious awareness they had at that...

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How do you feel around setting boundaries?

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2020

What's the first word that comes up when you think about boundaries?

Do you have a powerful relationship to "boundaries"? 

When you set boundaries - do you feel empowered or guilty?

When you don't set boundaries - what's your self-talk?

As a parent, when used in an "empowered" manner, the world of boundaries are created as powerful conditions in which ALL will thrive. 


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Are we on the same team?

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2020

The most common question and most prominent challenge that I get asked is; "I'm on this path of conscious parenting...And my partner isn't. How do we make this work?"

This past weekend I had the honour of presenting a masterclass; "Parenting from Spirit" as part of The Seven Sisters Online Festival (The largest women's wellness festival in the Southern Hemisphere - which was virtual...

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What is parenting?

Uncategorized Oct 15, 2020

Have you ever stopped and wondered for a moment, what is Parenting? What is your relationship to Parenting?

Do you even have a relationship with Parenting?

Imagine Parenting as a person, and this person is sitting opposite you.

How do you feel about them? What emotions does it bring up? Is it expansive or contractive being in their space? Do you feel inspired when you're around this person - or...

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The hardest part about parenting

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2020

I was reflecting the other day about this concept; "Parenting is so hard!". 


I invite you to pause for a moment. Think about parenting. Think about your relationship to parenting. 

  • Do you feel there are sacrifices?
  • Do you feel that your needs come last? That it is ALL about the children?
  • Do you feel that sometimes when you look in the mirror, you're just "surviving" and the...
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When was the last time you found delight in your child?

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2020

When was the last time you found delight in your child?

I love this line from Toni Morrison, "When a child walks in the room, your child or anybody else's child, do your eyes light up? That's what they're looking for."

We had some friends over for dinner - in fact, these friends weren't really interested in catching up with John and me. They couldn't wait to spend time...

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What is your North Star?

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2020

I'm in bed, and the crying won't stop. I've never felt sadness, grief, loss, and despair like what I'm feeling at this moment. Depths of pain I've never had the courage to confront. 

It's relentless - and I want it to stop. Yet, I also know I have to allow the emotions to run through. Suppressing them or trying to make myself feel better and halting this process of healing will...

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Give each other grace...

Uncategorized Sep 10, 2020

John had just reacted to Avery. I step in and defend Avery.

In John's world, he felt criticised and judged by me. In my world, I'm trying to get him to see the world from Avery's point of view. 

Both realities are valid - and at that moment, John doesn't feel seen, heard, and understood.

"Give me some grace... Be patient with me like you are him. I am learning too.... ". He exclaims. I can...

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