
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

How to stop getting triggered

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2022


Hello beautiful soul!

If you're reading this, one thing I can be sure of is, awareness is high.

This also means you're doing the inner work.

You're doing the healing, you're investing the time and energy to break free from your limiting beliefs and behaviours.

So why do you feel stuck? And... why are you still triggered?

Most people only work on their mindset. And most people only work on...

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A brand new year - a brand new life...

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2022

Hello beautiful soul!

In December 2020, Catherine came to me...

Catherine was a successful entrepreneur - and she felt her inner world and relationship with her teenage daughters was falling apart. 

Truth be told, Catherine struggled with believing that her life was worthy. Despite all the successes in her career - she couldn't break free from the patterns and conditioning of not...

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THE YEAR 2022 - How does this story end?

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2022

Hello beautiful soul!

"What do you want to celebrate about 2021?"

Here was my answer that I would love to share with you...

I celebrate "me". I am celebrating the extent to which I love.

I celebrate that even in the most challenging moments when we were navigating family drama, the most challenging season of our marriage - I did it from a place of Love. 

I let Love lead the way...and I...

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How did I live? How did I Love?

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

There is a Quantum theory that states, "we are manifesting and living out our lives based on the questions we're seeking to answer.".

When I was studying with Landmark Education, one of the things we explored was uncovering our "unanswered question". 

If we synthesise these theories, we can take this to mean that we manifest life based on the questions that we...

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The perfect Christmas gift...

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, there is something extraordinary about the energy of the last week of the year.

The energy is chaotic - however, what follows chaos is order.

Syntropy follows Entropy.

And the gift of order, the gift of syntropy - can only be realised when we allow ourselves to navigate the chaos and Entropy from one place, our Heart.

I know beyond...

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Are you struggling in your relationship, partnership and marriage?

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2021


Hello beautiful soul!

In the last few months, there's a theme that's been coming up consistently.

"I'm stuck in my marriage - and I don't want this to impact my children and their future relationships."

Or, "We're over, and I have a feeling this has harmed our children - it was a toxic relationship, and I'm worried about how our children are responding to it."

Or, "How did they...

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What have you given up on?

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

I want you to meet Lisa.

"I had accepted that motherhood was just one of the areas of my life that were going to be average. I was struggling - I was overwhelmed with guilt, shame and feeling not enough. I had given up that it could be any better."

Lisa started working with me a the beginning of 2020. At this point she was parenting and in relationships as her Inner Wounded...

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What my separation taught me about being wholehearted...

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

I'm going through my separation.  

I really really tried in that marriage - and it hurt.  

I also recognised what I was feeling was extremely familiar.

It was an experience that I felt throughout ALL my relationships.  

Feeling not enough. Unworthy. and a lot of hurt.  

HOWEVER - I couldn't express it.  

I really struggled...

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Part 3: Meeting Shame

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2021

Hello beautiful soul!

Avery's sitting on my lap.

Even though I knew children "felt" everything - there was one thing in knowing it - and another thinking that I'm going to have a conversation about "shame" with my 5-year-old.

And....even though I remember feeling "shame" as a 5-year-old...

It's still a surreal experience to navigate this with my own 5-year-old.

"Avery - there are two wolves in...

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Part 2: Shame is a Beast

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2021

Hey beautiful soul!

This series on Shame and how to meet it with your children is going to truly the access to giving your children a different path in life. 

Before I can share how the conversation with Avery went (which if you're a parent and you're wanting to help your children navigate conflict better - stay tuned!) - we need to have a really intimate understanding of...

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