
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

Do you feel life has become smaller since becoming a parent?

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2019


Thank-you for the amazing response to last week's newsletter.  I was moved reading your replies and how you trusted me to share with me about your past. 

With more understanding of our past, we heal, we grow, we lean more towards living from a place of Love. We have an opportunity to create awareness of our inherited limiting beliefs, and we have the potential to...

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Understanding your Father's Story

fatherhood Aug 28, 2019

In Australia, September 1st is the celebration of Father's Day.

John and I talk a lot about our upbringing with an attempt to "rewrite" our unconscious inheritance when it comes to parenting and relationships. 

It was just yesterday that we had this conversation:

"It's sad that Avery doesn't have grandparents that he can play with or take him out or be a role model for him." I shared.


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What matters to you?

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2019

If we were to ask people, what matters most to them - most would answer their husband/ wife, children, family, friendships, and living a beautiful and grateful life.

However, what we say can differ from what we do. The way we live our life tells a different story.

If we observe how we spend our time, and where we spend our time - what would the observer within us say what matters?

Are our...

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Have you fallen into this trap when it comes to parenting?

Uncategorized Aug 14, 2019

What is the biggest trap that parents fall into when it comes to parenting?

That life is now all about the child.

Life is not all about the child. The love you had for each other is what inspired you to go down this path of parenthood - together. To learn, to explore, and to expand - TOGETHER.

When we feel loved, when we feel supported, we face our challenges differently. 

The experience...

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Is your inner child running the show?

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2019

Did you know, for the first seven years of our life, from when we take our first breath as we enter this realm called Earth, to about seven years old - we don't "question" or analyse the world.

In these seven years, our brain is making sense of the world. It is taking in everything around us as "the truth". It is our "ultimate reality".

Neurons that fire together, wire together. Whatever...

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Do you enjoy parenting? Do you enjoy parenting together?

Uncategorized Jul 31, 2019

There is this incredible couple I follow on Instagram - Casey & Meygan Caston. The creators of Marriage 365 (AMAZING!). An excellent resource for up-levelling your relationship.

On this particular day, they shared a post with a comment around parenting that was vulnerable and courageous to share. Part of the description read:

"In all honesty, we’re only okay parents. It hasn’t...

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What is the antidote to Fear?

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2019

I was eight weeks pregnant and was having a play date with a close friend of mine. There is this "rule" about not sharing about your pregnancy until it is at least 12 weeks, and all is well.

My friend was asking us about our plans for a second child - and I had to "pretend" that I wasn't pregnant. It was uncomfortable. I felt I was contractive - and I felt like I had to hide something...

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Feel like you're dropping the ball? Feeling overwhelmed?

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2019

In my last newsletter, I shared the exciting news that we are expanding our family and have welcomed the news of a second one on the way. I was 10 weeks pregnant at the time. I promised to update you on why I was open with the news and have yet fulfilled on that.

At the time, we were also embarking on a 3-week family trip to Mexico - where I was attending an incredible retreat to learn about...

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Do you play the blame game?

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2019

I am in the car with Avery.  Earlier that day, there must have been a moment where I was frustrated or annoyed. I actually can't even remember what happened.

So we're in the car driving to the supermarket... and this is how I conversation went:

"Mummy are you sad? - Did I make you sad?". He asked as I was finding a parking spot in the carpark.

We parked the car. I got out on his side....

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Do you feel inspired by your love?

Uncategorized May 22, 2019

Earlier this week, John and I got to spend time together grocery shopping at the supermarket - just us! Yes, something so trivial can be romantic, an opportunity for connection, and conversation :)

"Hey darling... can I give you something around Avery - especially in the mornings when it comes to food?". I ask John. 

I can feel John being defensive. He gives a small sigh and says; "I know...

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