
Exploring Motherhood with Consciousness, Mindfulness, and an abundance of Compassion.

want to know how you can make more money and lead better because you're a parent?

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2022

As a parent, you have an unfair advantage. In its Highest Expression, Parenting from your Highest Self is a force. 

It will have you think differently, see opportunities where you couldn't see them before, and be open to creating a different way of life - that can be abundant and thriving for all.

I believe - that you can make more money, work fewer hours because you're a parent - and...

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Here is exactly what to do...

Uncategorized Mar 23, 2022

If you are in a cycle of having the same arguments over and over again, or if you're in a cycle of constantly being triggered by your children...

Or in a cycle of just not having any energy and surviving...

It's really hard to give Love with nothing in the tank - and I know you're trying your best.

What you have to realise, though, is the place from which you're giving creates more heartbreak...

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Am I doing everything right?

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2022

I know you're really really trying. You're holding it all together... and you're trying to keep your $h!t together so your children don't see you falling apart...

And I see you.... I get it... I know you're really trying. 

Am I doing everything right?

Am I making sure they are ok?

Can they come to me when they are upset?

All of this is weighing heavy on you... 

This is a short...

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do you feel like it's the same argument over and over?

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2022

Do you ever feel like you're having the same argument, same conflict, same tension with your partner/ children over and over - and it's not going anywhere?

Does it seem defeating, and it's as though you can't find a way forward?

And do you find yourself in these times either being defensive, needing to be right and having the last say, stonewalling and being really guarded, or even the worst...

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i was desperate to prove that i didn't deserve love...

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2022

There's something about me that you might not know...

I use to struggle in relationships.

And when I say struggle, I found relationships (including friendships) hard, challenging, and I could never believe that I was "wanted", or anyone enjoyed my company. 

This went well into my 30's. 

When friends would call and ask to hang out - My immediate thought would be, "I have nothing to...

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How we fail our children...

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2022

Do you sometimes feel you're failing your children?

Or do you sometimes feel you wish you had someone tell you exactly what to do so you don't screw this up?

Or are you constantly worried and trying to be so perfect that you can't seem to relax and enjoy the journey of being a parent?

....and then that turns into guilt, shame, or regret?

Do you want to find out how we really fail our children?

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The 6 unhealthy habits I had to unlearn to have healthy relationships

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2022

1. Stonewalling. I loved putting up the walls. It felt safe. It felt secure... and it felt "normal".

It is incredibly unhealthy in relationships.

You cannot be attached to "stonewalling" and have a chance at a healthy relationship.

Healthy relationships require vulnerability. Healthy couples talk things through and share what is going on.

Stonewalling is about power, control, and being a...

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how you're pushing them away...

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2022

We all want deep connection - with our children, with our partners/ spouses....and unconsciously we push them away.

I was asked this question on a podcast interview this week:

"What do we do as parents, that destroy the connection with our children?"

It's a powerful question. 

This is my take.

The 3 things you do, that kill the connection between your child and you (and really with you and...

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The hardest job in the world...

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2022


I never saw parenting as a job...

I understand it's often described this way... and it never landed with me.

However, lately - I've been thinking... if parenting was a job... what's the actual work? What's really needed?

....and the way we answer those questions is all unique to where our consciousness is.

For someone who values living from the Mind, the work would be centred around "...

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Craving for more joy in your life?

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2022

There's a secret to joy that we aren't "taught".  

This is the secret.  

Joy is directly correlated to intuition. 

You will want to understand the relationship between joy and intuition if living a joy-filled life is what you want for your children.   

Intuition has been the theme in our household (as it's what we are deep diving in the Mastermind... so it's a...

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